Scars...Part 2

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Soon enough, it was the yearly Chief meeting. Some people would be surprised, some not.

"Hey Eret, how is your scar doing?" Hope walked into the stables where Eret had been helping out

"I don't know, haven't taken off the bandage yet" Eret shrugged

"Well, let's have a look then" Hope started unwrapping the bandage

"Well, would you look at that, it's gone"

"Hey, it worked, so, you feel better without it?"

"I certainly feel like there has been a tremendous amount of guilt lifted off of my shoulders that's for sure"

"That's good, I love you Eret"

"I love you too Hope" He leaned down and kissed her, he was about five inches taller than her

Just then they heard faint horns from outside

"And that's our cue to go get Hiccup, let's go" Hope interlaced her hand with Eret's as they walked over to the Great Hall

Once they got there, she opened the door slightly

"Hiccup, Harold and Agnar are here" Hope popped her head in the arena

"Alright, be right there" Hiccup nodded

Soon, Hiccup, Astrid, Stoick, Hope, Eret, Erika, and Valka were waiting at the docs for Harold and Agnar, who soon docked

"Hello Harold, hello Agnar! Welcome to berk!" Hiccup shook hands with the each of them

"Hello, Hiccup, Hope" Harold greeted

"It's nice to meet you, Harold, you too Agnar" Astrid shook hands with them both

"Who might you be? And the small child on your chest?" Agnar spoke up

"My names Astrid, Hiccup's wife, and Hope's sister-in-law, and this is our son, Stoick Haddock II"

"Well, nice to meet you, Astrid, and you too Stoick"

"Named him after your father Hiccup?" Harold looked at their child

"Yeah, Astrid thought of naming him after my father"

"Well, let me tell you right now, he's probably gonna be just like you Hiccup"

"I hope so" Astrid giggled

"Hope!" Dahlia hoped off the ship and ran over to her friend

"Hey Dahlia! It's so good to see you, how have you been?"

"I've been good, and who might you be?" Dahlia gestured to Eret

"I'm Eret, Hope's husband, I've heard a lot about you, Dahlia, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too Eret, and who might this be?"

"This is our daughter, Erika" Hope moved so she could see her face

"Aw, isn't she the sweetest!"

"And now, Valka, its good to see you back, and alive, for that matter" Harold shook her hand

"Its good to be back, and to see you too Harold, you as well Agnar. Now, would you like a tour? I'm sure my kids would be open to that"

"I would be okay without" Agnar shook his head

"As would I, but, Hope, maybe you would like to give Dahlia a tour?" Harold offered his daughter

"I would love that! You wouldn't mind, would you Hope?" Dahlia asked

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