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But... It's been a year since I was diagnosed with AML and two years since I joined the Wattpad community.

I wanted to do something special for these occasions before June aka Pride Month ends.

I wanna incorporate some of your guy's requests into the chapter I will write for this book. I don't have many ideas besides song chapters so I want you guys to comment your ideas.

I can't thank you all enough for the support I've gotten since I joined this platform. The fact that this book is .5k away from 43k and then another 2k away from 45k is absolutely insane!

I remember being super happy that The Forgotten Twin was at 500 when I first published it. I remember being so shocked that people liked my OC Hope Haddock and her story, as rushed as it was. I remember thirteen year old me telling my parents and them being super proud of me.
I don't wanna give up on it but it not doing too well is making me lose hope it'll ever do good and that upsets me because Hope was one of the reasons I wrote on here... To get her story out even though I've rewritten it a million times. I really do wanna get her story out there but don't think I'll ever have the motivation to do so.

I remember starting this one-shots book after reading so many other books of the same title. I look back at them and cringe cause of my writing style. I based every chapter after a post, image, or a spin-off of someone other creators work. But then I cut forward to now, two years of work has paid off decently.

I've made and deleted a good chunk of books through those two years but I'm glad My Broken Life has grown roots into my account. Petra Parker is a character who I have big plans for.

And now I'm at 157 followers? Like- what?

So I wanna make this chapter a good one that can connect to different audiences and connect to you guys with your ideas.

I'll get a new and original one shot out tomorrow (it's 11 o'clock ish rn on June 3rd so... Yeah) cause I've just been dragging on one-shots for multiple chapters and I sometimes like a good one-shot that you need to grab a drink, snack, and blanket cause your gonna be reading a while.

So, thank you all so much for the support over the small time I've been here and please leave an idea if you have one.

-MJ 🤟🏻

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