Don't Open

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Hiccup and Hope were walking through the forest with their dogs Toothless and Treasure, black labs, Hiccup's is missing his back left leg, and Hope's is missing both her back legs, she has one of those wheel rigs so she can still run around, they're service dogs that they got to adopt when Hiccup and Hope lost their left legs below the knee

"Slow down there girl!" Hope called after her dog Treasure with her left hand

"They're fine Hope, they come when we're in danger" Hiccup reassured her

"I know, it's just, she's already been through enough with that accident she was in. I just don't want anything else bad to happen to her."

"Yeah, I get that I wouldn't want anything else to happen to Toothless." Hiccup sighed "So? How has your swim class been going?"

"Okay, it's still kinda hard though, but, going on vacation this summer will be our real test right?" Hope looked over at Hiccup "Hiccup? Is everything-"

"What is it bud?" Hiccup jogged over to where Toothless was sniffing "What's wrong?"

Hope made her way over, Treasure at her side to the tree Hiccup and Toothless were standing by

"Hiccup look" Hope pointed to what appeared to be a hatch door

"What in the world?" Hiccup brushed the moss off of the what was now a rusted hatch door "It says 'DON'T OPEN', that's odd"

"Why would there be a hatch door in a tree that says 'DON'T OPEN'?"

"I don't know"

"Is anyone there?" A female voice asked

"Just me and the dogs, are you okay Hope?" Hiccup turned to his sister

"That-That wasn't me who said that Hiccup," Hope said wide-eyed "Wait..."

"Hello? C-Can you hear me?"

"Hello? I can hear you. Who are you?"

"My name's Hiccup and I'm here with my twin sister Hope. We're going to get you out okay?"

"Hiccup!" Hope whisper-shouted "How are we going to do that exactly?" Hope whispered to her brother

"Call mom and tell her to bring tools"

"Already on it" Hope walked over to another tree after she held her phone up to her ear

"Are you still there?" Hiccup turned to the door

"Please help me..." The voice pleased

"Hey, everything is going to be okay. What's your name?"

"Astrid Hofferson"

Hiccup's breathing hitched, 'I've heard that name somewhere' Hiccup thought

"Okay, Astrid. Are you hurt?"



"My leg, my arm, my head"

"Okay. Just. Hang tight, Astrid. Help is on the way." Hiccup looked towards Hope who gave a thumbs up before hanging up

"Mom's on her way, should I call an ambulance?" Hope asked

"Yeah. She's hurt so mom should be here soon"

"That's why Toothless was able to sniff her out" Hope snapped

"And more of a reason to get her out"


"I told you I'm not going to be subject to any of your toying around." Astrid stomped her foot

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