Did They Ever Tell You...

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This is inspired by AstridnHiccupalways's chapter called 'A Visit to the Past' on their Hiccstrid One-Shots book 4, go check their book out, as well as the other three they are wonderful books, and now, on with the chapter


The quiet evening was slightly disturbed by a certain redhead stomping inside, grabbing her ax, and turning around to head back out

"Hey? Where are you headed?" Astrid walked down the stairs

"The forest." Zephyr shrugged it off

"And why is that?"

"It's because she's embarrassed." Nuffink walked in, Hope and Faith behind him

"Nuff!" Zephyr turned around

"Hey Hope, hi Faith." Astrid greeted

"Hey, Astrid." Hope went over and hugged Astrid

"So why is she embarrassed?" Astrid asked

"We were doing cliff climbing, I think they can take it from here." Hope said

"So, we were scaling cliffs, and I was doing the best I have ever done and then before I know it, I'm stuck! Like, I'm hanging there on the edge of the cliff and then, before I know it, that Ingerman kid comes over and saves me! Me! A Haddock gets saved by and Ingerman!" Zephyr exclaimed

"He seemed pretty worried about you Zeph." Faith added

"But still! I didn't need saving!"

"Pffft, sure sis." Nuffink headed upstairs

"I didn't!"

"You know, your father had saved me many times before we had you two." Astrid added, grabbing a brush and having Zephyr sit in front of her

"Really? Dad?" Zephyr looked at her mother

"Yes, when we were in our late teens. Hope knows a lot of the stories, she was there for a good proportion of them."

"Yep. And I got told some that I wasn't even there for." Hope chuckled "Did they ever tell you the one story where your mother went temporarily blind?"

"What?!" Zephyr and Faith's heads snapped to look at Astrid

"You were blind aunty Astrid?" Faith asked

"Yes, yes I was." Astrid glared at Hope "Do you wanna hear the story?"

"Yes!" Faith and Zephyr exclaimed

"Well, would you look at the time! I told Hiccup that I would meet up with him in the Great Hall. I'll see you later Astrid, and Faith, if you need anything, your father is in the stables helping grandma." Hope kissed Faith's forehead before walking out

"So, back to the story please." Zephyr whined

"Okay, so, your father and I were trying to train this dragon called the Triple-Strike-"

"-like uncle Dagur's dragon?" Nuffink asked

"Yes, the same one. Now, as we were trying to train him, Fishlegs flew over telling us that there were multiple storms heading our way. So, we started getting the Edge ready for the storms. Once we had down all of our individual duties, Fishlegs closed the last door of the clubhouse...


"Well, the dragons are all cozy in their pens." Fishlegs came in soaking wet

"Did you lock the main doors?" I asked

"Astrid, Astrid, of course. Who would forget something like that? I mean, I guess it is possible. But I would never. But then again, there's a first time for everything." Fishlegs started doubting

"I'll go check." I started running outside of the clubhouse

"Astrid, wait." Hiccup called after me

I took the zipline down and ran along the runway to the entrance, only a few feet away from it a bolt of lightning hit the stables, catching them on fire

"Whoa! All right, come on, you guys. We're moving to the arena before this whole place comes down." I looked to see that a Night Terror got trapped, Stormfly squawked "It's okay, girl, I'm right behind you." I ran over to the pen "What do you say we blow this joint, little guy?" I freed the Night Terror and started jogging back to the entrance,

A bolt of lightning hit right in front of the entrance, blinding me

"What was it like?" Nuffink asked

"It was complete blackness wherever you looked." Astrid explained

"How did you get rid of it?" Faith asked

"Gothi had a few tricks up her sleeve."

"Wow. So, how did you not knock into stuff?" Zephyr felt her braid after Astrid tied it off

"Mainly your father and Stormfly helped sometimes." Astrid answered

"Wow. So, you were actually blind." Zephyr nodded

"Yep." Astrid replied

"That's so cool!" Nuffink said

"But not cool at the same time!" Faith added

"Well, let's go and see what dad is up to. Bye, mom!" Zephyr, Nuffink, and Faith walked out the door

"Have fun!" Astrid called after them

As Hope said, now they have heard of when Astrid went blind

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