Don't Worry, I've Got You

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The fight had been going on for hours, and men on both sides were taking a hit, but Astrid had been taken from the fight to Grimmel as a way to get Hiccup to do what he wants...

"Okay Stormfly, let's take down those two ships then head back to regroup, now fire!" Astrid shouted

"Take her down!" A guard yelled commands

"Stormfly look out!" Astrid yelled leaning to the side, but it was too late

"Ahh!" Astrid yelled

An arrow with dragon root on the end had hit Stormfly in the leg, and Astrid lost control. A chain was then shot up and wrapped around her waist, pulling her down to the deck of the ship, while Stormfly was put in a cell downstairs. And Hope saw the whole thing.

"Oh God's, I need to find Hiccup" Hope realized


"Hiccup!" Hope yelled flying over too him

"Hey, what's wrong, is everything okay?" Hiccup asked turning around

"No, I just saw Astrid being taken on to Grimmel's ship after she got shot down"

"We need to get her back"

"But how?! You know that he has his ship heavily guarded!"

"I know Hope, so you are going to lead the attack until I get her back, you remember the plan?"

"Yes, of course, now, go get your fiancée!"

"Let's go Toothless!"

And off they went to get her back, safe and sound and getting past the men to get to where they were keeping her was a battle in itself.

"Where is she?!" Hiccup yelled distressed

"Sh-sh-she is in the cell in the far back of the hallway" the guard said, scared

"Alright, let's go get her back Toothless"

They headed down to the cells and started searching

"Astrid!" Hiccup yelled


"Astrid! Give us some light bud"

Toothless fired, causing the entire hall to become a shade of purple


They kept walking till they got to the very last cell

"Astrid, are you in there?"


"Oh thank Thor, your alright!"

Hiccup got out the key that he got from the guard, unlocked the door, and saw what happened to her. She had some scratches on her face, she had passed out by the time he got the door open. He got Stormfly out of her cell as well

"Don't worry Astrid, I've got you" Hiccup said, picking her up bridal style, and getting on Toothless, and flying out

He then flew back to Berk, seeing that majority of the ships where taken out, and the ship that they were on was retreating itself

"Hiccup! Astrid! Your okay!" Hope cheered running over to them

"Yeah, we are, but Astrid is unconscious, I'm guessing because she hasn't had any food or water in hours"

"Alright, I'll get her some water to start, you get her to your hut and I'll be right there"

"Okay, thank you Hope"

Once they got her some water she came too

"Hey Astrid, you okay?"

"Hiccup? Is that you?"

"Yes M'lady, it's me"

"Did we win?" Astrid asked, sitting up

"For the most part, yes, but I know that they are going to come back" Hiccup said, taking her hand in his

"Wait?! Where is Stormfly?" Astrid panicked

"Easy, she in the stables, Fishlegs gave her the antidote to the dragon root, and she has been resting just like you"

"Well, I'm going to go see her"

"Alright, and while your going over to the stables, tell Heather you back and okay"

"Wait! Heather is here?"

"Yes she is, now, go have fun, love you" Hiccup said, giving her a kiss before she ran out

"Love you too"

And with that she was out faster than ever

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