When Hiccstrid Doesn't Have Descency

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This is inspired by NeonPinkFury's chapter 'When Hiccstrid Gets Caught' from their 'Hiccstrid HQ' book

This takes place at the edge, Hope and Heather are here for clarification, and obviously, everyone knows that Hiccstrid is on the edge

Hiccup's POV

"Astrid!" I called throughout the edge

"Stables!" She shouted back

I made my way over finding Astrid filling Stormfly's pen with fish

"Hello M'lady" Hiccup wrapped his arms around her waist

"Hey Hiccup" Astrid smiled

"So? Are you still up for that flight?"

"Well, I had slightly different plans"

Astrid turned around and smashed her lips against mine, I kissed back with just as much passion

'This is a better plan than a flight' I thought

Hope's POV

"Hey, Fishlegs?" I walked into the clubhouse

"Yeah?" Fishlegs looked up from his notes from the dragon eye

"Have you seen Hiccup? Can't find him anywhere and I'm getting worried since Toothless and Treasure are playing together outside in the arena."

"No, I haven't, why not check with Astrid."

"Alright, thanks for the help Fishlegs!" I jogged out of the clubhouse


I checked all the usual spots, forest, her hut, Hiccup's hut, the arena, even some of the places she goes too, to think. She isn't at any of them.

"Heather! Have you seen Astrid?" I walked over to her

"No, last time I checked she was in the stables and Hiccup was walking to the stables to find her." Heather shrugged

"Wait, is that Stormfly?"

"And Astrid isn't with her."

"I'll be right back."

I ran over to the stables, Stormfly was already inside when I got there, she was looking at her pen like something was wrong

"Hey Stormfly, where's- oh my Thor." I slapped one hand over my eyes, flabbergasted at what I saw and another over my mouth, I felt like throwing up

I went over into Hookfang's pen

"Come on Stormfly, let's go get you" I swallowed "some fish, I'm sure that Slicer and Toothless would gladly share some with you." I patted her head as we started out the stables

"Hiccstrid should at least have the decency of doing it in private." I shuttered

"Hey, did you find them?" Heather walked over to me

"Yeah, and by the looks of it, Hiccup went to find Astrid, Astrid was filling up Stormfly's pen with fish, Hiccup found her there, and then they found the peace and quiet as an opportunity." I explained

"Opportunity to do what?"

I gave her a look of, 'What would my brother and your best friend be doing together in private'

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