I Missed You...Part 2

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It was the next day, and to they were going to put their plan into action. When we left off Hiccup and Hope left Astrid, Stoick, Eret, Erika, Valka and the others at Berk to go to their Chief training with the tribe of the Whispering Willows, and their Chief Harold, was a close friend of Stoick's, and he too has a daughter named Dahlia, and they've found out that Dahlia has a crush on Hiccup, and he didn't wanna have to deal with that, and so, after a quick tour and dinner, here we are now.

"Good morning Hiccup, and Hope" Harold greeted

"Good morning" They responded

"So, we are going to have you do split training, Hiccup you'll start with combat with me and Hope will start simple tasks and taking care of the village with Dahlia, at the end of the week we will switch. Sound good?"

"Sounds good to me" Hiccup answered, walking with Harold to the arena

"Sounds fantastic" Hope answered, next to Dahlia

"So, Dahlia, how old are you?" Hope asked

"Same as you, I know that if I was much younger then my dad wouldn't think I was ready to do training, I did it last week"

"Oh, so, are you nervous to become Chief?"

"Yeah, I am, but, my father believes in me, so, I'm going to make him proud"

"Nice, where is you mother?"

"My mother passed away when I was about 5 years old, a dragon took her life, sure it was hard not growing up with a mother, but, I made it"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Dahlia, I didn't know"

"It's okay, like you said, you didn't know. Do you have anyone special back a Berk?"

"Yes, I do, his name is Eret, and him and I have been married for about a year, and we have a daughter named Erika who is 6 months old, he made this ring for me" Hope said, holding her hand out for Dahlia to see it. It was a silver band it had a small green jewel and a small blue one, which were melted into a heart in the center

"Oh wow, that's a beautiful ring Hope!" Dahlia exclaimed

"Yeah, Hiccup has one on two, only his is just silver and Astrid's has a blue stripe and a green stripe"

"Wait, he has one on two, and who's Astrid?"

"Astrid is Hiccup's wife and my sister in law, and they have a son named Stoick after our dad, he's also six months"

"Oh, wow, who knew that he already had a family"

"Yeah, so, what type of training are we doing?"

"Follow me, right this way"


"My, my, that's some weapon that you've got there, you can fight well with it too, where did you get it?" Harold asked, cleaning up the arena

"Well, I didn't get it, I made it actually" Hiccup asked, stuttering a bit

"You made, how in Thor's name do you make a sword that can ignite on command?"

"Well, it's a long story actually, but I started making it when I was 18 years old, then I added the gas when I was 19"

"Well, is it one of a kind or did anyone else make it?"

"My sister made herself one overnight, since I left the plans for it where she could get them, so now it's only us who have these Dragon Blades"

"Dragons Blades, that's what you call them"

"Yeah, Hope came up with that name" Hiccup said, finishing up with the cleaning

"Well, did she call it that because you have dragons?"

"Yeah, and also because it mimics some dragon abilities" Hiccup answered while walking beside Harold

"What kinds of dragons did you have again, can't remember off the top of my head"

"I have a night fury named Toothless, and Hope has a Razorwhip named Treasure"

"Toothless? That's an odd name for a dragon, let alone a night fury, certainly he has teeth? Why did you name him that?"

"Okay, it all started back when I was 15...."

Back at Berk

"Astrid?" Valka asked walking up behind her

"Yes Valka?" Astird responded, grabbing Stoick from the craddle

"A terror mail just came in, it's addressed to you, from a girl named Heather"

"Oh, Heather is one of my friends, she's the sister of the Chief of the Berserkers, here, hold Stoick for me"

"Alright, come here my little grandson, what does it say?" Valka asked

"She said that she is going to be visiting in 2 weeks,

"Oh how lovely, we'll have to tell Hiccup and Hope once they get back"

"Got it, so, how have you been Valka?" Astird asked, taking Stoick, then taking a seat

"Oh, I've been wonderful dear, how have you and Stoick been?"

"We've had some sleepless nights, but, he's waking up less and less in the middle of the night witch is a big relief for me, since Hiccup already has to be up at early hours"

"Aye, how early does he get up in the morning?"

"About an hour before dawn, which that time he uses to give Toothless some flight time since the rest of the day he's practically busy all day"

"Oh, well, at least I get up before him, if you guys want, I could take Stoick for a few nights once he gets back?"

"Oh, we would only need one night if that's possible"

"Of course, the last thing I need is the both of you passing out because of no sleep during a dinner service or just passing out on the ground" Valka chuckled

"Yeah, I'm shocked that that doesn't already happen now" Astrid said giggling

"Well, I have a few things to attend to, so, if you need anything please feel free to come get me, I'll be at the stables"

Back at Training

"And that's how I lost my leg, and gained Toothless's trust and friendship" Hiccup finished

"Well, that's a story I hadn't heard in a long time, it's a great build up to who you are Hiccup" Harold complimented

"Thanks, and what do you mean, "in a long time"?

"Your father told me that story at one of the meetings that we attended, he was so proud of you for what you did"

"Well, I'll see you at dinner?"

"See you there" Harold answered with a handshake

"How was your first day of training Hope?" Hiccup asked, walking into their hut

"Well, I learned how to do a rescue in 7 different scenarios, followed by paperwork, then learning more about Dahlia, what about you?"

"Simple hand to hand combat, as well as some weapon work, and what did you learn about Dahlia?"

"Well, her mother, Harold's wife died when Dahlia was 5, which I felt really bad about, and that's really it, then I also was able to tell her that your married, and have a kid"

"Oh thank Thor, well, we have dinner in 15 minutes so let's start heading to the hall"

"Okay, let's go"

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