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The idea for this one-shot was given to me by AstridnHiccupalways, hope this is what you wanted!


Hiccup and Astrid were on a date at a local coffee shop for the first time in months due to their schedules

"Really?!" Hiccup asked in shock

"Yes, really. He went up to her, what she told me later, flirted with her, and then she socked him in the face." Astrid explained

"And that's how she deals with flirts?"

"Yeah, I mean, she can hold her own, she doesn't need her husband to do it for her."

Just then a waitress walked over to Hiccup and Astrid's booth

"One pumpkin spice latte and one regular coffee. Enjoy!" The waitress placed the cups on the table, the latte for Astrid and the coffee for Hiccup, making a 'call me' sign before walking off

They both just shrugged it off

"How'd they spell your name?" Hiccup asked

"They spelled it 'A-s-t-r-e-d', you?" Astrid looked at the side of her cup before looking over at Hiccup

"They spelled mine the way my name is spelled, with what looks like a heart, a name and a phone number next to it." Hiccup looked at the side of his cup

"Let me see!" Astrid grabbed the cup so she could see the writing on it

And in fact, there on the side of Hiccup's cup, next to his name was a heart, and below his name was the name, Jenifer, and the number 1-670-789-5439 (random number and if it's your exact number then please contact me in private messaging)

"That bitch is trying to get with you!" Astrid exclaimed

"Asteid, calm down, I don't know any Jenifer's with bright blue hair and tattoos. She didn't know." Hiccup placed his hand on Astrid's, causing her to settle down

"Well, why not we get some doughnuts to go and head out?"

"That sounds good."


The same waitress walked over to their table

"Can I help you?" Jenifer asked

"Yes, can we get one jelly-filled doughnut and one chocolate doughnut please?" Hiccup asked as Jenifer scribbled on her pad of paper

"Will, that be all?"

"Oh, and can you also back the hell off. He's mine." Astrid sneered

Jenifer scoffed before she walked to get their order in
And that was the last time they ever went to that coffee shop for a while


AstridnHiccupalways I hoped that this was what you wanted! I know it isn't long but I hope this is what you pictured! Thank you for the idea!

If you guys have any ideas leave them in the comments or post them on my board!

Again, if that number is your number, please message me and then I can change it immediately

Hope y'all enjoyed and I'll see you in another one!


-But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Hiccstrid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now