All Tuckered Out

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(Based on photo above)

"Astrid! Wait up!" Hiccup called out

"Come on Hic, I heard something! I bet it was a troll!" Astrid said over her shoulder

"Okay then! We need to hurry!"

"Wait, wait, stop!"

"Why, what's wrong? Are you okay Astrid?"

"Yes, but, I can't hear anything anymore. I think it left."

"Awwww, we were so close!"

"Yeah, but, look, it's starting to get creepy, let's go home."

"Okay, but we will have to go to the hall to tell my dad that we didn't find any."

"Okay, race you!"

"Hey not fair! You got a head start!"

When they got to the great hall

"Dad! Dad!"


"What is it, did you find any?" Stoick asked after he got on his knees

"No, we didn't, but Astrid said she heard something"

"But by the time we got there, I couldn't hear a thing!"

"Oh, well, I guess there is always tomorrow" Stoick said, getting back up

"Yeah, your right"

Since the both of them were tired from all the hunting, they went and sat on Stoicks chair, at the front of the great hall

"That was fun" Astrid said, after getting up

"Yeah, but *yawn* I am pretty tired" Hiccup said, after Astrid helped him up

"Well, night night Astrid" Hiccup said, laying his head down on the arm rest

"Night night Hiccup" Astrid said leaning up again him

And with that, they both fell asleep instantly, after the hard days work

Authors Note
Sorry that this was a short one, didn't really know how else I could make a good one shot with that photo. Into the great beyond!

- Chief Hope Horrendous Haddock III🌹

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