For What?

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(Based on photo above)

It was a normal day at the edge, everyone was playing with their dragons. Astrid landed back in Dragons Edge after a nice flight, looked around to see the riders having fun with their dragons. Then looked back at Stormfly who was making her way back to the stables, and turned towards Hiccup.

"Thank you Hiccup."

"For what?"

"For everything."


"We wouldn't have any of this without  you."

"Well in that case, your welcome." Hiccup said, followed by kissing Astrid on her forehead, and sat down with her

"She does have a point Hiccup, I mean, we really wouldn't have any of this if it weren't for you." Fishlegs added, after hearing their conversation

"Yeah Hiccup, we really wouldn't have any of this, and I wouldn't have found you, so, thanks." Hope said, before playfully hitting him on the arm

"Well, you all are very welcome, but, I couldn't have done it without you guys too." Hiccup said, wrapping his arm around Astrid's waist

"Well, let's all be thankful for what we all have done, but Hiccup still gets the most credit." Heather added

Toothless then nudged Hiccup

"And you too bud."

And with that, they called it a night

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