I Have No Words!!!....Part 2

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Oh. My. Thor.

Thank you guys so much for 2k!
I never thought that I would get here and here I am! Making stories that people actually enjoy!!!

I couldn't have done it without you, and your support! All of what's been going on with school and musicals and what not hasn't given me time to put out as many as a time as I want to, but, you guys are always there right after I publish chapters! And I'm glad that some of you like that Hope and Eret are married and that their ship name is Heret! I came up with that so I like that it's catching on!

Which, leads me to something I wanted to try! If you guys have the ability, I want you to make some Heret fan art and send it to me using the #Heret in messaging. I will then write a chapter based on the fan art!

So, thank you Berkians so much for getting me where I am at 2k! I can't even comprehend that 2,000 people have read my book!

Love you guys and I'll see you all in another chapter!


- Chief Hope Horrendous Haddock III 🌹

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