I'm Okay/Heret

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A group of 20-year-old Vikings were in the middle of a dragon race

"Come on girl, up, up, up, up, up!" Astrid pulled back on the handles of her Nadder's saddle

"Not today M'lady!" Out of nowhere Hiccup grabbed the black sheep and dove back down to make a final lap before throwing it in Astrid's basket

"Well, sorry Hiccstrid but neither of you are getting this!" Hope flew by, literally, her wings were out and she was upside down, grabbed the sheep, and threw it in her basket

"Oh come on!" Tuff complained

"Hope!" Ruff fumed

"Isn't that against the rules Hiccup?" Fishlegs flew up beside him

"Well, I don't think so, since we didn't have the wings thing when we made this" Hiccup shrugged

"Well it should, that was totally uncalled for! Her dragon almost nailed me to a wall!" Snotlout flew by them

"Well, the nailing up against the wall is just her way of getting her points!" Fishlegs yelled back

"I'd say that the wing thing can only be used the last lap, sound good?" Astrid was on the other side of Hiccup

"That sounds fair, Hiccup?" Fishlegs agreed

"Then it's settled, we will only be able to use our wings the last lap" Hiccup threw his arms up

"Wait! Where is Hope anyways?" Astrid looked around

"I don't know, I'll go find her" Hiccup took off

He soon found her, she was outside the racing arena, she was kneeling over a bucket

"Ugh, that's the seventh time this month." Hope groaned with her head above the bucket when she sat back

"Hey, you okay Hope?" Hiccup walked up behind her

"I don't know, I thought that it was just a little 24-hour thing but, then it happened again"

"Maybe you should go and see Gothi?"

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'll go and see her and then talk to you after" Hope got up

"Alright, you want me to walk you to Gothi's, you're looking a little off balance"

"No, I can manage, I'll be fine Hiccup"

"Okay, see you soon"

"See you"

Once she flew off to Gothi's, Gothi greeted her with a smile. She liked having Hope help her, she knew so many different ways of healing, plus her own that Gothi had told her that when she passed away, she wanted Hope to take her place. Hope was honored and promised Gothi that she would do so.

"Hey Gothi, I threw up, again"

Gothi's smile turned into a frown when her apprentice had those words come out of her mouth. She gestured for her to sit on one of the beds.

Italics is what Gothi is writing on the floor, translated

"So, do you feel sick anymore?" Gothi scratched into the floor

"No, not anymore, but I did a few minutes ago, my temperature is fine, I was also feeling a little light-headed" Hope was rubbing her forehead

"Do you have a headache?"

"No, I'm just, tired I guess"

"Alright, let me take a look at you"

And that's exactly what she did, and to her happiness, there was nothing wrong with her, but, Gothi still had some news

"So I'm okay, right Gothi?" Hope looked at her, hopeful

"Actually Hope, you're pregnant." Gothi sketched into the dirt

"Wh-wh-what?!" Her bright emerald green eyes widened

"Yes, you are pregnant. That's why you've been throwing up a lot this month."

"W-well, I guess I should go now and tell Eret. Thanks, Gothi"

"No problem, see you soon"

"See you"

Hope soon flew off to the one place where she could think, zooming overhead the village

"So where is she anyway?" Eret handed Hiccup the newly crafted saddle

"I don't know, she said she would find me after her visit to Gothi's" Hiccup set it on the Vikings dragon and adjusted it

"Thank you, Chief" The Viking took the saddle and set in on her dragon

"You are most certainly welcome"

"That's odd. Well, have a safe flight now!" Eret waved to the Viking who's figure was getting smaller and smaller

"See you around!" Hiccup turned around to start cleaning up

"Well, now that everyone has sauntered down to their huts, would you care to join me to find Hope?" Eret clapped his hands together

"I would love to Eret, but, I promised Astrid tonight would be date night right after I closed up the forge"

"Oh, well, don't let me stop you from that. If I find her, I'll let you know"

"Thanks, see you soon"

Eret then headed to stables to grab Skullcrusher and soon flew off to find his love. And make sure she was okay.

"So girl, how am I going to tell him. I mean, this is big news!" Hope had her legs dangling over the edge of the sea stack that she used to think, waving her arms around

Treasure looked at her rider, concern filling her green eyes she soon leaned down and sniffed Hope's stomach, making her even more worried

"I'm okay girl, don't worry" Hope placed one hand on her stomach and she scratched Treasure with the other

"Well, that's a relief. You had both me and Hiccup worried about you. Haven't seen you since early this morning" Eret dismounted Scullcrusher and sat down right next to her, taking her hand

"Hey babe, how have you been today?"

"Well, the saddles were a challenge since so many Berkians wanted a saddle at once, but, other than that is okay. So, now I have to ask, are you really okay?"

"Yes, I am. I promise I'm okay"

"So, what did Gothi tell you?"

"She told me the reason why I've been throwing up this past month."


"I'm pregnant" Hope looked down at their intertwined hands

"Wh-wh-what excuse me?"

"I'm pregnant Eret"

"Y-your serious?!" Eret helped her up

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm serious Eret. We're going to have a baby in 8 months"

"Oh, my gods! This is amazing!" Eret picked her up and lifted her above his head, spinning around before setting her down and hugging her

"It is. I love you Eret."

"And I love you Hope and our child."

And soon they had some grand news for the others. And a child to start raising in just 8 months.

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