Are You Mad?

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It's about 12 years after The Hidden World. Here are the characters

Hiccup & Astrid's kids:
Stoick, 18
Helka, 10

Hope & Eret's kids:
Faith, 18
Dahlia, 9 1/2

Heather & Fishlegs's kids:
Tucker, 18
Hadden, 9

Snotlout & Ruffnut's kid:
Sage, 10

Tuffnut & Macey's kid:
Mabel, 10

Now on to the story!

It was a quiet morning on Berk. Early morning to be exact...

"Come on Starlight, let's go." Faith whispered as she was getting out of bed

"I wanna see Tucker alone for once this week, let's head on downstairs." Faith put on her green tunic, black legging, razorwhip spine skirt, and brown boot

She soon opened her door and told Starlight to quietly head downstairs with her. When they got down, Faith grabbed an apple off the table and started to the door when...

"And where do you think you're going this early?" Eret made his way down the stairs

"Uh-um, to get Starlight some fish?" Faith stumbled over her words
Aww great! I've been caught and told the biggest lie in history! Of course, we have fish in the house! We have a RumbleHorn and Lighfury living here for Thor's sake! I'm done for!!

"You're lucky your mother doesn't have to get up for another hour. Just be back by breakfast." Eret started for the stairs

"Are you serious? You're just letting me go like this?" Faith was dumbfounded at her father's remark

"Yes, I am, now, go on and have fun" He walked back up the stairs

So Faith mounted Starlight and flew off to the cove, she discovered it about two months ago during her practice. She soon found Tucker pacing to the left of the reflectively clear pond in the center

"I was starting to think that you wouldn't show up. I was getting sad" Tucker walked over to Faith and kissed her on the cheek

"Yeah, well, I kinda got caught up with my dad, he thinks I'm getting fish for Starlight, what was your excuse?" Faith held one of his hands in hers

"Said that I needed to get Warrior some more rocks, the kinds down by the beach"

"Smart move Ingerman, well, now we finally have some alone time" Faith went up on her tippy toes and kissed him
Gods I hate that he's taller than me enough that I have to do this

"Well, well, well, looks like those excuses will now be used against you." A voice from the entrance said walking in

"Mom?!" Faith pulled away since she knew who's voice it was, tried to mount Starlight, but slipped off and landed on her arm funny

"Faith! Are you okay?!" Tucker ran over to her and helped her up, carefully

"Yeah, I'm fine Tuck" She stood herself back up again

"You don't look fine, let me see your arm" Hope jogged over to her daughter and pulled her arm towards her

"Ow" Faith winced in pain as her mother tried to extend her daughters bent backwards arm

"Tucker, can you go tell Gothi that we are on our way? This is definitely a break, and then a fracture up here"

"Yes, Chieftess!" Tucker mounted Warrior and headed for the Village

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