Surprise? | Heret One Shot

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Astrid700 gave me this idea
Thank you for the idea


"Goddamn." Hope was slouched over the toilet "This has happened two weeks in a row."

Hope wiped her mouth the rag that was folded where the towels were

"What could this be?" Hope pushed herself up to rinse her mouth out

Hope closed the door to the bathroom after shutting the lights off. She made her way back to where she was working on a few things.

"Hey babe." Hope answered her phone

"Hey love, calling in to check on you. Feeling any better?"

"No. Threw up again. I really don't know what this is. It's obviously not contagious otherwise you would have it too."

"I'm sorry Hope." Eret apologized

"It's alright. I think I'll make myself some soup and tea and just take it easy." Hope explained

"Sounds like a plan to me. I hate to burst a bubble at the moment though, I'm going to have to stay late." Eret sounded disappointed "Colleague called in today so I have to cover their shift."


"This time it's their daughter who wasn't feeling good this morning."

"Well, take your time babe, just stay safe, please?" Hope asked

"Of course, I always am. I love you and I'll be home soon."

"I love you too, see you soon. Bye."

"Seen you soon. Bye." The phone beeped

Hope set down her phone and continued working for several hours, before a buzzing noise came from her phone

Astrid: Hey, mind if Zeph and I stop by at 4?

Hope: You realize 4 is in 10, and of course. Any occasion?

Astrid: Hiccup and Valka are at the shelter. Volunteered as chaperones for an event.

Hope: I'll get Little Einsteins on the TV and her snacks out

Astrid: Thank you Hope

Hope: It's no problem. And, you realize that you don't really have to ask these kinds of things, right?

No reply signaled that Astrid was on the road. A half-hour there was a knock at the door

"Hey!" Hope smiled "Was traffic any trouble?"

"No actually." Astrid had two-year-old Zephyr on her hip, a small bag in her other hand

"Come here." Hope grabbed Zephyr and tickled her, she became a mess of giggles and squeaks as she tried to break free

"How have you been?" Astrid set the bag down on a barstool chair that sat in front of the kitchen island

"Well," Hope set Zephyr down in the little playpen set up in the living area "sickness is still going on. Headaches aren't much fun either."

"Still?" Hope pulled out a wine glass "It's been three weeks, hasn't it?"

"Two." Astrid took the small glass of white wine from her sister in law "I just don't have a clue to why it's going on."

"And Eret doesn't have it?" Astrid sat on the couch by the playpen

"No. I'm thankful because he had to pick up another shift today." Hope placed a kettle onto the stove, turning the burner up

"What happened this time?"

"Someone's daughter wasn't feeling well." Little Einsteins started playing at the press of the buttons that Hope was holding

"So, it's been sickness and headaches." Astrid set her glass down, before leafing through her purse

"Yeah. I've been throwing up, can't hold much down, feels like a hammer is going into the back of my head. And Eret doesn't have it so I don't-"

Astrid pulled a small pink box out of her purse

"I know that you two aren't trying yet. You're still in the engagement phase. But-" Astrid shook the pregnancy test box "I was having almost exact symptoms when I was pregnant with Zeph."

"You can't be serious?" Hope grabbed the box and held it in her hands, staring at it intently "There's no way."

"And that's what I said to Valka when I was having symptoms earlier than I thought I would." Astrid took another sip of her wine

"I just- I don't-"

"Take it. Now would be preferable." Astrid nudged

"I mean-" The kettle pot started whistling, Hope got up to get her tea

"Just take it!" Astrid cut off Hope, "Okay. I could be wrong about this but then it narrows things down."

"Can I ask why you carry around a pregnancy test in the first place?!" Hope set down her cup of tea and unboxed the test

"I never know, you know? I mean all of us are either married or dating in the friend group, and there's a decent amount of girls in the group."

"Uh-huh." Hope closed and locked the bathroom door to take the test


"Now we wait three minutes, right?" Hope placed the cap of the test back on and slid it into her pocket

"I have a timer going on my phone, how are you feeling?" Astrid had grabbed yogurt bites for Zephyr

"Nervous. I just- Eret and I have never talked about having kids till after we got our own house." Hope leaned against the kitchen island, cup in hand "We wanted to wait so that we could figure out everything."

Astrid got up, Zephyr on her hip "I get how your feeling. But, Hiccup and I have seen how well you and Eret handle Zephyr when we go out for date nights and, we'll be right here if you need help. And I'm sure that Eret will be with you no matter what."

"I get it but- It's just that" Hope took a deep breath "I never pictured myself having kids, like- ever. And I love Eret, he's such an amazing guy, but-"


"But I'm just worried if this is too soon." Hope squeezed the pregnancy test in her pocket

"Hey, look at me." Astrid pulled Hope's shoulder for Hope to face her, "You need to stop doubting everything, okay? You're going to start getting in your head and will start to think of all the bad qualities. Just try to think of the good ones."

"You're right. I'm just going to bring myself down. Has it been three minutes?"

"It's been five."

"Well, here goes nothing." Hope grabbed Astrid's free hand as she pulled out the test with the other

And it read...

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