Bloody Knuckles - B.B.

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Your POV

I walked into the loft coming back from punching the punching bag very hard. My knuckles were bleeding. I had a bad mission the day before and I had to punch something also Tony wasn't helping much. Just an arrogant asshole.

When walking in, I saw Bucky brooding like always. He was writing in a journal. It was dark outside when I returned. He didn't even look at me. Rude. I had a major crush on him but he wouldn't talk to me at all. I've tried talking to him but he would walk away or say one word answers.

Just Disappointment.

I grabbed two champagne buckets that Tony always had around for parties and filled them with ice and some water. I placed it on the counter. I unwrapped my hands from the bloody bandages and throwing the it away in the trash. I dunked my hands into the icy cold water. I winced as my hands touched the surface.

"Shit, that's cold," I mumbled to myself.

Red lines appeared in the icy water.



I removed one of my hands and assessed the damage. It doesn't look broken. Definitely gonna be in pain tomorrow and swollen. A hand towel was thrown beside the bucket. I turned to Bucky.

"Thanks," I said and went back to assessing the damages.

"No problem," Bucky said in his husky voice.

"Oh my god, you actually said two words to me. I was starting to think you hated me," I said sarcastically still looking at my hands.

I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes.

"Not hate, adore," He corrected.

I gasped and went over and slammed my hands on the counter in front of him.

"Motherfucker," I said wincing at the pain I inflicted on myself.

He smirked and got up and grabbed the towel. He took one of my hands and looked at it.

"What did you do?" He asked looking at me.

"I had to punch something before I punched Tony in the face," I spoke looking at his eyes.

Oh my god those eyes!

"He's pretty annoying," Bucky said shrugging.

"Damn! Up to 12 words!" I said.

Jesus Christ.

Do I really have to be an ass to him?

He smirked at me.

"You know, this is—," I said.

He stopped me by crashing his lips against mine and I was shocked. I definitely melted to the connection I felt. It was much more than I imagined. We sadly had to break away for air.

"Took you long enough," I said smiling up at him as our foreheads touched.

He just smiled at me and wrapped my bloody knuckles in some new bandages.

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