One Last Time - B.B.

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Warning Endgame Spoilers
I also cried writing this and I never cry so read at your own risk

Tony has the stones. Before the power goes to him, You ran over and grabbed his hand. The stones moved onto your iron man suit that you low key stole a year ago in case of an emergency. He looked at you shocked as you released his hand.

"Suck my giant metaphorical dick, you grape fuck," you groaned out as the power coursed through your veins and you looked at Thanos.

You snapped your fingers with a determined smile. You had a shit eating grin on your face as you watched Thanos's army turned dust. Bucky's heart just stopped not knowing if you were gonna make it.

"No..." Thanos said turning into dust.

You fell to your knees with tears in your eyes. They were happy tears. Bucky was quickly at your side.

"Y/n," Tony said in disbelief and he shook his head no.

Your breathing slowed and you just looked at Bucky. He got on his knees and wrapped his arms around you. He cradled you gently and delicately as if you were gonna fall apart in his arms.

"I just got you back," Bucky whispered softly holding you.

Everyone gathered around who was nearby. It pained everyone especially Tony. He was so ready to go. He didn't expect you to stop him. He didn't expect it at all.

"I'm so sorry, Bucky," you said ever so quietly and studying every feature in his face one last time.

His face scrunched up as he tries his hardest to hold back his tears and he bit down his bottom lip turning the area white. Bucky wanted to be so strong for you. He was your big softie and always will be no matter what.

"I'll be okay. I-It's okay, Y/n," Bucky said softly as he looked at you. "I l-love you."

"I know," you said barely audible.

You took your last breath and you went limp in his arms. Your head fell to his bicep. He just sobbed holding your body closer to him. He just couldn't believe it —actually he could. You were absolutely selfless. He knew you did it to let Tony live so that Morgan would have her father. He just wish it hadn't been you. He wish you and him could finally get that life together. Maybe have your own little Morgan running around but that would never happen.

Peter Parker was sobbing too. You were like an older sister to him. He'd ask you for help. You were the wisest person he knew he felt like besides Tony of course. You touched most of the people on this battlefield.

With a shaky hand, Bucky closed your open eyes that had been looking at him lovingly. He let out another sob and that just broke Tony. He'll never forgive himself for letting you transfer the stones onto your suit like he did with Thanos. Tony was on his knees begging to who knows what and Pepper held him as she stood watching Bucky clutch onto your lifeless form. Steve put a hand on Bucky's shoulder as the tears streamed down his own cheeks.

"Doll, w-we won cause of you," Bucky cried out looking at your peaceful features one last time.


To be continued?

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