Bellyache (2) - B.B.

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Sam was able to get you out of the Hulk's containment to many's dismays from the others. He's been sort of a brother to you and Bucky hasn't woken up like he was supposed to. It's been a damper on your mood and Sam has been trying to cheer you up.

You pretty much hide away in an empty supply closet. You've also stolen a giant beanbag from Clint and left him a 100 dollar bill that you've stolen from Tony. You left Tony a mirror so he could look at his reflection and you got it from Wanda. To replace the mirror you got her a makeup palette that she's been wanting for like ever. You actually used the money you got from a bank account that the Red Room has. Your hideaway also has some giant stuffed animals that Sam has been placing in there when you aren't in there. He also put in some fairy lights which you find magical.

Bucky opened his eyes and looked around. Sam is sitting at his bedside.

"Buck!" Steve said coming into the room.

"Did you say fuck or Buck?" Bucky asked groggily.

"Language, and I said Buck," Steve said.

"It sounded like fuck," Sam said.

"Where's Y/n?" Bucky asked.

"In her supply closet or she's off stealing people's things and replacing them with other things. Like she stole one of Clint's bean bag chairs and replaced it with a hundred dollars that she stole from Tony," Sam said.

"You locked her in a supply closet?!" Bucky asked.

"No! I wish I could with you but it's her hideaway," Sam said.

(Time skip)

Bucky opened the door and found you curled up in a ball with a fuzzy blanket covering you on your giant bean bag chair. He comes in and closes the door softly. He lifts up the blanket and gets under. He curls up to you with his arms around your waist and kisses your cheek. His body molded into yours easily and Bucky loved that.

(Time skip)

You woke up and tried stretching out but there's a figure in the way. Therefore, you stretched out over Bucky like a star fish.

"Really?" Bucky asked and your faces are right next to each other's.

"Ты в моем шкафу (you're in my closet)," you said looking at him.

"It's a great place," Bucky said.

"Thanks," You said laying on your side but you ended up being closer than you wanted.

"I was expecting to wake up and find you in my hospital room," Bucky said.

"Yeah," You said.

"Yeah," He said.

"Well, I was stuck in a stupid glass container for a few weeks and I wasn't allowed to see you cause that chick Natasha refused to let me. Your brosephine doesn't care much for me. But that Sammy dude got me a lion," You said.

"What?" Bucky said.

"Behind you. I named him Leonard," you said smirking and pointing at the giant stuffed lion with a top hat.

He looks behind himself and just laughs. You scrunched your nose smirking and he turned around back at you. He cupped your face and turned it to the side. He kissed your cheek.

"They really put you in a glass container?" Bucky asked.

You nodded looking away from him and your smile disappeared. He frowned turning your face to look at him and he pressed his lips against yours. It was slow. It always is no matter what. He makes it like time comes to a halt and you both need it to be at times.

"I'll deal with them. Don't you worry, Doll," Bucky whispered against your lips. "I'm glad that Sam has been taking care of you."

"He's been pretty nice to me. He's kinda got that brotherly vibe about him," you whispered looking at Bucky.

"He definitely does but don't tell him I told you that," Bucky said as a smile played on his lips.

"I think I might," You said sitting up.

"Oh no, you don't," Bucky said pulling you back.

You laughed and he started tickling you. He hovered above you laughing as you squealed at the touch of his hands.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop!" You said pushing on his chest and laughing so hard.

He just let himself fall on top of you as you're still laughing hysterically and buried his head in the crook of your neck chuckling. You could feel the vibrations of his voice against your soft skin. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and tried to stop laughing. Bucky loved how you were struggling so much to stop laughing and he knew that was always your weakness. He loved that the most and your laugh. It was really rare for him to hear it but he could never forget it.

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