Intruder - B.B.

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"Do you really need a Stark arc reactor?" You asked looking at Jemma.

"Yes, it should all go well," she said with a fake smile.

"Sure, it's just me going on this mission and all the Avengers are there avenging things and I'm stealing Tony Stark's arc reactor for science things," you said sarcastically.

"Hey, just get in and grab the reactor and get out," Skye said. "I'll be watching the security feed and help you out."

"Good luck, Agent Barnes," Jemma said giving me two thumbs up.

"I don't need it," you said getting out of the van.

You shut the door and started heading to your destination. Skye and Jemma looked at each other.

"She's definitely gonna need it," Skye said and Jemma completely agreed.

(Time skip)

You managed to ice Tony Stark and he's sitting on a stool with his head on the table. Skye has already disabled Friday for the most part.

"Dude, I cannot believe you just iced him," Skye said through the comms as you started the process of taking out a arc reactor from an older Iron Man suit.

You also plugged in a hard drive into a computer and started duplicating everything on it. It's also sending Skye everything to her.

"You getting the info?" You asked returning back to the arc reactor.


"Who are you?!" A woman asked walking in.

"Oh, I'm Agent Barnes," you said spinning around to face her. "I'm new here."

"She's Pepper Potts. Stark's girlfriend. She'll probably suspect something."

She walked over to Tony looking at you the whole time.

"He's sleeping. He crashed a couple minutes ago," You said as she placed a hand on him. "We're working on a new reactor."

His whole body comes crashing to the ground and she gasped. You immediately shot her with the night night gun and watched her collapse to the ground. You go over to her and see that she ended up on top of Tony.

"Sorry," You said and went back to getting the Stark reactor.

"Lovely save, Agent Barnes."

"Thank you, I am almost done," you said.

You pulled out the arc reactor and put it in the case that Fitz gave you. You closed it up and put it into your backpack.


"What the shit is this?!" You asked zipping up the backpack quickly and putting it on.

"Sorry, Sorry, my bad, Friday came back online," Skye said as you checked the amount of icer bullets you have in each gun. "You'll wanna get the fuck out of there before Avengers start coming."

"I've got the reactor," you said leaving the lab and putting the clips back into the two guns you are holding.

Agents came up to on both sides. You shot them down and they collapsed. You stepped over the out cold agents and came upon a junction.

"Go right, less agents and no Avengers."

You go right sticking close to the wall and keeping your head down as more agents passed by. You make it out into the lobby and start heading for the front doors. You passed Fitz the backpack and give him a slight nod. You shoot down agents and before you know it, you're taking one of Agent Romanov's bullets and Bucky's and a few other agents'.

"BARNES! BARNES!" Skye screamed into the comms as you fell to your knees and she's now crying in the van with Jemma.

Agents started surrounding you and you collapsed to the ground face first.

"Goddamn it! We need her alive!" Bucky yelled.

He flipped you over and is in shock. He gets down on his knees and he cupped your face into his hands.

"Luka, Luka," Bucky said checking for a pulse.

Nice ending:

You slowly opened your eyes and see a brunette asleep with his head on your thigh and his hand is holding tightly onto your hand. His long hair is covering his face. You carefully ran your hands through his hair and slicking it back. You gasped.

"Bucky, Bucky," you said shaking his shoulder and tears are streaming down your face.

He wakes up immediately and is slightly terrified. He looks at you and just sobbed. Bucky wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly but not gently not wanting to hurt you or cause you pain.

"You d-died," You cried out into his shoulder.

"I know, baby, I'm so sorry I left you all alone," Bucky cried. "I didn't want to. I didn't want to leave you all alone, baby doll. I didn't. I just didn't."

You cupped his face into your shaky hands and you pressed your forehead against his.

"I-I'm so sorry, I f-fucking shot y-you. I didn't know who you were," He chocked out. "I t-thought you were a threat."

"I-I-I forgive you," you sobbed moving hair out of his face.

"You sh-shouldn't," He croaked shaking his head no.

"Too bad, I do," you whispered looking him in the eyes. "You're m-married to me."

He pressed his soft lips against yours and you both could taste the salty tears of each other's. There was a need in that kiss. There's a want in that kiss. You both needed each other but sadly you were just shot multiple times beforehand.

"You're married to me too," Bucky whispered softly.

You nodded and slid over in the hospital bed carefully. He takes the hint and gets in. You tucked yourself under his metal arm. You're slightly confused by it but you don't mind. You have your husband and he's all yours and you're all his. You both silently cried holding onto each other and not wanting to let go.

Sad ending:

Bucky couldn't find a pulse. He just couldn't. He applied pressure to the wounds but there's too many.

"Luka! Answer your comm! Please!"

Bucky just broke down crying and he held you in his arms. He couldn't believe he has his wife. He couldn't believe he shot you. He couldn't believe he lost all over again. He just couldn't.

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