Firefighter - B.B.

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Imagine: you're a firefighter in the New York City Fire Department. Your boyfriend Bucky has been keeping you hidden from the Avengers and you don't mind. He just doesn't want to share you with the others knowing that they'll love you as much as he does. Bucky's met the guys you've come to know as your family and they love him. He usually stops by most mornings with baked goods from a bakery if he isn't on a mission or you're on a call. He also hangs out your apartment whenever he can.


You get called to a massive skyscraper fire. It's all over the news.

"It's gonna be a long night, guys," Captain Upton said as you drove off to the fire that's across town.

You feel a buzz in your pocket and you looked at your captain for approval to answer it. He nodded and you quickly ripped off the velcro. You take out your phone out and looked at the screen. It's Bucky's face and you took a deep breath. You swiped the green button across and put it to your ear.

"Hello?" You asked.

Bucky paced around behind the view of the others who are watching the news on the skyscraper fire and he has his phone pressed to his ear awaiting for you to pick up.


"Thank god, are you at the skyscraper fire?" He asked.

"On my way," you said and he overheard the sirens blaring.

"Fuck. You better come back safely, Doll. I don't know what I'd do without you. I can't survive around these fools. They're honestly so terrible," Bucky said with his back turned the others.

Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Tony noticed Bucky on the phone and they watched and listened to him. The loft's lights are off and the only light is coming from the gargantuas TV with the news feed.

"Buck, you Okay?" Steve asked.

Bucky put a finger to his lips looking at his blonde friend.

"Baby, I'll be okay. I've got the boys. They'll have my back out there and don't worry about me. I'll be safe."

"I know but I'll always worry, babydoll. I can't help it," Bucky said.

You smiled and said, "I love you, Bucky Bear. You worry too much."

"No, I worry too little. I love you too."

The fire truck pulled up to the scene and it's utter chaos.

"I've gotta go. Promise me you won't watch the news," you said hoping he'll listen to you.

"Doll, it's already too late! Everybody in the tower is watching it!"

"Damn, I'll see you soon," you said chuckling and you got out of the truck.

"I love you so much, Y/n," Bucky said not caring that the others are watching.

"I love you more."

"Bye," Bucky said even though he didn't want to hang up. "Keep me updated."

He just wanted to listen to you speaking to him but he knew you were gonna go save lives. He also knew that it was gonna be a long night for the both of you.

"I'll do my best. Bye, Bucky Bear."

You hung up and shoved your phone back into your pocket.

He sighed and put his phone back into his pocket.

"Who's Y/n, Buck?" Steve asked.

"None of your fucking business," Bucky said and went back to his spot on the couch.

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