Learning Days (2) - B.B.

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"Here's her DNA results, sir," an agent said handing Fury a manilla packet.

He immediately opens it as the agent rushes off. He pulls out the piece of paper out. His eyes widened at who your father is.

"Damn, that motherfucker," Fury said as agents wheeled the gurney onto the quinjet.

He followed slipping the paper back in and sat down on the bench. He buckled himself up. The ramp closed after the agents left. You're sedated and lying on the gurney. You're strapped down so when the jet is moving, you won't go flying around. You also have a slightly weighted blanket covering you up to your shoulders that is used on psych patients.

(Time skip)

"Fury," Natasha said seeing him wheeling you down the ramp.

"Gotcha a little present," Fury said.

The team is in shock and Bucky is relieved that he doesn't have to go on the mission anymore.

"Congratulations, Barnes, you are the proud father of a 10 year old girl," Fury said and he handed him the manilla packet. "Those are the DNA results and I'm dumping her on you. She should wake up soon."

Fury did a parting wave and went off. Bucky's heart just sank looking at you as you're so young and he thought you were dead. You were just 3 when you both were separated.

(Time skip)

Bucky has been sitting in a chair holding the teddy bear he got you when you had just turned one. He's kept the bear in the best condition ever since he lost you. He's taken off the straps on you and he put a fuzzy blanket under the weighted one after deciding it's not the soft for you.

You finally stirred awake and see Bucky.

"Papa," You said with your throat scratchy and raw.

Bucky immediately raise his gaze and shot up. Tears streamed down your face and he quickly wrapped his arms around you.

"Kukolka, ya tak po tebe skuchala (baby doll, I missed you so much)," Bucky said kissing your forehead.

"Papa, ya ne khochu vozvrashchat'sya, (papa, I don't wanna go back)," you cried wrapping your small arms around his neck.

"My nikogda ne dolzhny vozvrashchat'sya, myshka (we never have to go back, little mouse)," Bucky explained looking you in the eyes with his own tears brimming. "I've got you your little, nesti. (Bear)"

He put the teddy bear in your arms and you grinned happily remembering the bear. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and he realized it's barely longer than his but he feels as though it suits you very well.

"Papa, I missed you," you said in a sort of Russian accent.

"Myshka, I missed you too," Bucky said. "You hungry, darling?"

You shook your head no and started crying again missing your father very dearly. He kissed your forehead.

"Don't cry, Myshka," Bucky said softly and he wiped away your tears.

You whimpered trying your hardest and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He picked you up and held you. You cried into the crook of his neck and his heart was breaking. He just rubbed your small back and picked up the teddy bear off the bed.

"mne ochen' zhal', Aleksandriya (I'm so sorry, Alexandria)," Bucky whispered softly into your ear and made his way out.

You just sniffled holding onto the back of his shirt and soon kept crying. Bucky sang softly a Russian nursery rhyme to you like when you were younger. It soothes you a bit as you clutched onto the back of his hoodie.

"GO SUCK MY GIANT METAPHORICAL DICK!" Natasha yelled running after Clint who just ate her toast.

You held onto Bucky tighter and he rubbed your back. Clint immediately stopped hearing you crying.

"My, my, my, my," Clint said going into Dad mode and he got behind Bucky since you're facing that way. "Want some ice cream? Would that cheer you up, sweetie?"

"Chto eto takoye? (What is that?)" You asked barely above a whisper.

"Eto vkusno, Myshka," Bucky said. "Let's go get you some."

You nodded and Bucky started heading to the kitchen as Clint made faces behind him. You grinned slightly at the sandy blonde. He ran ahead once in the common room and went straight to the freezer.

"Yes! Steve picked up the good stuff," Clint said pulling out three different gallon tubs of ice cream and putting it on the counter.

"And don't you dare eat it all in one sitting," Steve said walking in.

"Kto on, Papa? (Who's that?)," you asked looking at your dad.

"Steve," Bucky said.

"Stiv?" You said.

"Steve," He said.

"Stiv," You said.

"Myshka, he's Steve," Bucky said pointing at Steve.

"Stiv," You said.

"Know what? I don't care, munchkin, you can call me whatever you want," Steve said coming over.

"Dyadya," You said in a small voice.

"What does that mean?" Steve asked.

"Uncle," Bucky said smirking at his best friend and that made Steve grin.

"I'm gonna now have to learn Russian," Clint said pulling out spoons.

"She knows English," Bucky said.

"Net, (no)," you said shaking your head no.

The three men chuckled at you and Bucky kissed your cheek.

"Come on, lets eat some ice cream!" Clint said excitedly.

To be continued?

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