Rockstar {2}- B.B.

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You and Bucky just released his single This Feeling and your album. You two have an interview with James Cordon on The Late Late Show. You've never been on a TV show and you've never performed live on a live TV show for many to see. You're absolutely anxious and James just finds it adorable. You also don't know where you two stand.

You and James got to the CBS studio and he leads you in. He's taken your shaky hand into his and you two walk into the building.

"Hey, it's good to see you again, James," James Cordon said in British accent and Bucky dropped your hand to hug his favorite tv host.

"You too, pal," James said.

"Oh you must be Y/n. I'm a big fan of your album," Cordon said shaking your hand.

"Wow, that's weird— to have fans I mean —t-thank you," You said surprised to have any fans at all and Bucky was smirking at you.

"You're just adorable but I should let you guys get settled and I'm pretty sure you'll wanna do a sound check and rehearse," Cordon said.

"Thanks man, we'll see ya out there," Bucky said.

Bucky led the way to your dressing rooms and you two are sharing one. He plopped himself down on the couch while your dress and what Bucky is wearing is being brought in by Wanda. She leaves you two be mentioning something about hair and makeup getting here later. She closed the door behind her.

Bucky pats his leg while he eats the Doritos from the snack bowl. You go over and sit next to him. He groans and gently puts you in his lap. Your cheeks of course turned red.

"What's got you so nervous, Doll?" He asked looking at you but you tried looking the other way.

He moved your chin with just his finger so that your face is centimeters away from his. He pressed his lips against yours and the kiss was more slow than the previous ones. You could taste the Doritos cheese from his lips and you actually didn't mind. He placed a hand on your thigh and gripped it. Thoughts of doubt went through your head and you wondered what the hell is your relationship. You moved away and he looked shocked but didn't force anything. He moved his hand to your waist instead.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"W-What is this?" You asked. "What are we?"

"Friends with benefits?" He said not looking to Sure he wants that.

"No, I'm not doing that," you said bluntly.

He took a deep inhale and tilted his head to the side as he thought. He also puckered up his lips whenever he thinks.

"Boyfriend girlfriend," he said without any hesitation or a second thought.

He looked at you and you were just a blushing mess. He wrapped his arms around you and brought you close. You laid your head on his shoulder as he grabbed another Dorito. He held it and looked at it squinting.

"It's just like Steve," Bucky said.

You started giggling and he laughed with you. Steve bursted into the room which Bucky just angled the chip so it would cover Steve's shoulders and down. You two laughed harder.

"What do you need, Dorito?" Bucky asked his friend.

"I'm not a Dorito," Steve said.

"Yeah you are," you said.

"See!" Bucky said.

"Anyways! You guys should get on stage so we can rehearse the song," Steve said which made Bucky groan.

You got off of Bucky about to follow Steve out but the bear pulled you into his lap. He kissed you and Steve just tapped his foot waiting. Bucky got up once he was satisfied which made you also have to get up.

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