Savior {2} - B.B.

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Ward is Hydra. The team has new people like Hunter, Mack, and Bobbi. Coulson is now Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. You are still a part of Coulson's team.

You fought back as best you could.

"Stand down, Agent!" A German man yelled.

He's got the Hydra pin on his suit jacket.

"N-never," you groaned out.

You held up your fists and two men came at you with cow prods. They stabbed them into your abdomen and back. You screamed out in pain and you fell to your knees.

"You took away my pet," another man said as the electrocution stopped and he's also in a suit and a black lab coat is over it. "You'll be my new one now. You will bow down to Hydra. I don't care how long it takes. I have all the time in the world. We will torture you into complacence. You will comply."

"No, I won't," You said.

They stabbed the prods back to your skin. You screamed and screamed to the point of rawness to your throat.

(Time skip)

"This is the machine we used on the Winter Soldier to make him comply," he said adjusting his glasses as your getting strapped down to the metal chair. "It did take 20 years for him to comply but he did have somebody who he was thinking about but you have nobody. No family. No one to love. No one to fight for you. There's literally no hope for anyone to come save you. Sad."

"You're wrong, I have a family. It's dysfunctional. But it's family," You said.

He smiled as a mouth guard is put into your mouth. The machine arms put plates to your head.

"Let's begin," he said.

(Time skip - 3 months)

Coulson paced his office. He lost you. You're just like a daughter to him like how Skye is too.

An idea comes to his head and he runs out of his office.

"GET TO THE BUS! GET THE TEAM!!" Coulson yelled running past May.

He gets to the Bus and everyone soon follows in concern.

"We gotta go to the Avengers Facility," Coulson said.

"All of us?" Mack asked.

"Yes, we're gonna need all the help we can get to get Y/n back and I think Sergeant Barnes can definitely help us out," Coulson said. "Get ready people."

(Time skip)

"Dude, I cannot wait to meet Black Widow," Skye said as they walked up the stairs to the huge Avengers building. "Though, I wish it was under better circumstances."

"Yeah, I wanna meet Thor," Hunter said.

"He's probably in Asgard," Coulson said walking into the building.

"Do we all really need to be here?" Hunter asked.

"They got cooler equipment and more of it. Coulson is gonna start WW3 with Hydra. We'll wanna have the Avengers nearby," May said.

"Why are you here?" Maria Hill asked walking over to the group.

"One of my best has been kidnapped for over 3 months. We have no leads until now," Coulson said.

"They're probably dead, Director," Hill said.

"Nope, she's a fighter. She's alive and fighting," Coulson said walking to a secure door.

He scans his lanyard and the door opens. He opened the door and let his team file in. Mack, Bobbi, and Simmons are hanging back on the Bus which is hidden in a nearby field.

Coulson goes into the massive training room and the Avengers are having a group session.

"SON OF COUL!" Thor boomed. "YOU ARE ALIVE!"

"What are these? Are these wannabe Avengers?" Tony asked and Bucky was looking for you but he doesn't see you.

"It's my team and I need you," Coulson said looking at Bucky.

"Why?" Bucky asked coming over with Steve.

"Agent Y/l/n was kidnapped by Hydra. We might think you know where," Skye said stepping forward.

You were once again strapped down to the metal chair. They put the mouth guard in and tears are already streaming down your cheeks. The machine started and they already turned up the voltage. You screamed and cried out in pain. You want it to stop but it won't stop. Pieces of you leave and go hideaway somewhere in your mind. You almost forgot your name but luckily you didn't. You somehow remembered your time with Bucky. You're losing your team though. It scares you so so much.

"Who are you?" The lab coat asked as the machine stopped and another scientist takes out the mouth guard.

You felt numb due to the stopping of the pain.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He screamed and it terrified you.

"A-Agent Y/n Y/l/n of S.H.I.E.L.D!" You cried out.

"Tie her up like a cow in a butcher shop," he said.

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