Third Wheel - B.B.

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Imagine: You and Bucky have been dating for about 5 months and haven't really told anyone. The Avengers are clueless to the two of you. Steve of course knows since he's sometimes the third wheel and he is Bucky's best friend but nobody else knows. You and Bucky have made it a game to see how long you two will last but you get caught making out on the couch.


You kept giggling as Bucky told corny ass jokes for you. You're feet are in his lap and you just keep finding yourself getting closer and closer to your super soldier boyfriend.

"If you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple," You said and he chuckled.

You straddled him and wrapped your arms loosely around his neck. You played with the ends of his hair and looked at his eyes.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong.... but dinosaurs still exist?" Bucky asked looking directly at your eyes.

You smirked and pressed your lips against his. He placed his hands firmly on your waist and pulling you closer. Your fingers became entangled into his hair which only led to the kiss being more passionate since Bucky loves having your soft fingertips in his hair. You pulled away for air biting his bottom lip winning a shocked face from him.

"Wow, Y/n," he said smirking.

"Shut up, Bucky," you said becoming a blushing mess.

He immediately smashed his lips against yours loving when your cheeks become red from embarrassment. Tongue started coming into the rough passionate make out session while the other Avengers are out getting lunch for themselves.

"I," Bucky said.

You hummed waiting for his response.




You were shocked and immediately blushed and pressed your lips against his soft pink lips.



"Love you."



He gripped onto your thighs and kept making out with you. You'd only stop for air every once in awhile.

(Time skip... clothes are still on)

You stopped briefly so Bucky could put on some action movie since that's both your favorite genre of movies. You're now officially seated in his lap wearing his hoodie and he had his arms around you especially his metal arm. It took you forever to get him to be able to see that it won't hurt you and it helped that it one time stopped a bullet from going into your head. That day changed everything for him.

He faced you and got his face real close to yours. He puckered up his lips and you of course kiss him. The Avengers all come up to the loft in utter disbelief at the sight of the two of you. Your lips kept moving in sync and you two didn't even realize you have watchers.

"GET A ROOM!!!" Sam yelled which of course scared you.

"When did this happen?" Natasha asked as you hid your face in the crook of Bucky's neck.

"Uh.... five months ago..." Bucky said holding you tighter.

"WHAT?!" Tony yelled in shock.

You giggled into Bucky's neck and Bucky was chuckling at all the shocked faces. Steve was laughing too.

"You knew, Stephen?!" Tony asked.

"Yeah, I'm their third wheel. Y/n even got me business cards," Steve said pulling the card out of his wallet and showing everyone. "Steve Rogers. Official Third Wheel."

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