Model - B.B.

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Bucky and his girlfriend of 6 months, Rachel, walked into Victoria's Secret which Bucky repeatedly asked if he could wait outside. Bucky looked around and already felt uncomfortable being there. He's always been a gentleman and let the girl do all this on her own. It's also his first time being in one of these stores.

Rachel was already grabbing things and showed Bucky. He'd just shrugged his shoulders feeling out of place. Women would look at him and tried flirting with him. Rachel would glare at them.

"Baby, what about this?" Rachel asked holding up a thong.

Bucky just shrugged his shoulders.

She groaned and said, "I'm gonna go try things on."

He nodded and felt super awkward. He went a couple feet away from an underwear table. He finds a picture on the wall. The girl on the wall looked like his wife, you.


"Morning, Mrs. Barnes," Bucky said holding the girl in his arms closer.

"Morning, Mr. Barnes," you said flipping yourself around to face him.

You hooked a leg on his hip and he placed a hand under your thigh. He also pulled up the blankets. You cupped his face and pressed your lips against his.

"I love you so so so much, Doll," Bucky said.

"I love you so so so much too, honey," you said smiling at him.


"Bucky, Bucky," Rachel said snapping her fingers in his face which Bucky hates so much.

He looks at her a bit annoyed.

"Seriously?" Rachel said putting her hands on her hips.

"She looks familiar like somebody from my past," Bucky said and that annoyed Rachel.

She took his flesh hand and dragged him out of the store. Bucky hated when she does this. He's just trying to remember you and that model on the wall does help.

"We're going home," Rachel said clearly pissed off.


"Doll, I don't wanna lose it," Bucky said placing his golden wedding ring in your hand.

"I don't wanna lose you," you said looking up at him.

He's about to go on a train that then takes him to the military base and then he'll be shipped out to go fight a war.

"You won't, Doll, you won't," Bucky said pressing his lips against your forehead. "When I get back, you and me are gonna start that family you always wanted with the five kids, Junior, Grant, Sara, Rebecca, and little Remi. Right?"

"Right, don't be stupid, Bucky. Those kids need a father and it better be you," You said.

"It will be me. There ain't no other guy that can do the job," Bucky said.

He dipped you. You squealed and he chuckled pressing his lips against yours.

"Sorry to break this up, but you gotta go, Buck," Steve said scratching the back of his head.

Bucky stood you up and roughly pressed his lips against yours.

"I love you, Dollface. Steve you better watch her. I don't want her getting in any trouble and neither can you," Bucky said.

"I love you too," you said kissing his cheek.

Bucky gives you a quick peck on the lips and then hugs Steve. They both whispered something to each other and you stood off to the side trying to keep it together.

Bucky sees the tears streaming down your face as you look at the concrete ground. He rushed over and hugged you tightly.

"I'll be back before you know it and the war will be over," Bucky said but you never saw him again.


Bucky went off to Steve's room instead of joining Rachel in their shared room. He opened the door to see Steve polishing his shield while sitting at the edge of his bed. Bucky closed the door and sat next to Steve.

"What's wrong, Buck?" Steve asked.

"Y/n, I saw this model that looks exactly like her and everything," Bucky said.

"Where?" Steve asked.

"Rachel dragged me into Victoria's Secret and I guess they put pictures of the models wearing the... uh clothing," Bucky said.

"You really went in?" Steve asked looking at him.

"Yeah, it was uncomfortable," Bucky said slightly embarrassed.

"The model could just be a lookalike or even related Y/n," Steve said.

"But what if she's alive?" Bucky asked.


"Yeah, honestly."

"I don't think she's alive," Steve said quietly.

"Well, until somebody takes me to her grave then I'm gonna assume she's alive," Bucky said standing up.

To be continued?

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