Runaway - S.R.

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You just sat up on the counter drinking some hot tea at 2 in the morning. Steve comes in and he's already had a bad dream all week long. He's trying his hardest to adjust to this new modern society. It's just been so hard on him even though it's been a few years.

"Steve," You said and he hadn't even noticed you were there.

"Why are you up?" He sniffled looking at you.

"Debating if I should runaway," you said sarcastically.

He comes over and places his hands around yours that are warmed up by the mug.

"You shouldn't," Steve said pressing his forehead against yours and looking down at the liquid in your mug.

"Why not?" You asked.

"Then you wouldn't call me Steve," Steve said with tears streaming down his face.

"Other people call you Steve," you said.

"Yeah, Who?" Steve asked looking at you with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.

You thought about it and realized everyone calls him captain or some nickname they made.

"I guess you'll have to runaway with me," you said grinning softly.

He nodded and said, "I'll go pack a bag."

"Wait, you wanna go right now?" You asked.

He nodded and you were shocked.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the garage," you said still amazed that he's willing to just up and leave the place.

You got off the counter and took a sip of your tea. You went off to your room. You took a quick shower and got dressed. You grabbed your go bag which is already packed and ready to go. You added a few more items of clothing and put them in. You zipped it up and left your room but taking one last look not knowing when you'll return.

You go off to the garage and wait by Steve's bike. You take out your phone and go into settings. Steve comes out with a backpack.

"You sure you wanna do this?" You asked looking up at him.

"Yeah. We'll come back right?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm cool if we do and I'm cool if we don't. But I'm pretty sure you need to get away for awhile," you said.

He just nodded.

"You ready?" You asked.

He nodded and got on his motorcycle. You get on and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Where to?" Steve asked.

"Where have you always wanted to go to?" You asked.

"Ummm, Paris," Steve said.

"Then I guess we better get to the airport," you said.

To be continued?

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