I Am Dying - B.B.

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Imagine: Bucky is sick. At Hydra they made sure to keep him in tip top shape or he was frozen therefore he hasn't gotten sick in a long time. You are the only one at the compound at the moment and have to take care of the super soldier who thinks he's dying.


Bucky woke up barely able to breathe and he's coughing. He sat himself up and started freaking out.

"F-Friday, I'm I'm d-dying," Bucky announced with his voice all scratchy and raspy.

He coughed loudly and gripped onto the sheets tightly as he's trying to get oxygen in his lungs.

You are sitting in your room reading a graphic novel when Friday alerts you.

"Sergeant Barnes believes he's dying. My sensors believe he's dealing with a cold or possibly the flu."

You snorted in laughter. You're the only one at the compound while everyone else is off on missions or doing things outside of the compound. You got out of bed and placed down your book. You left your room and went down the hall to Bucky's room. You opened his door and hear him vomiting his guts out in the toilet. It's not a pleasant sound.

You head in and immediately moved his dark chestnut locks out of the way. You held his hair up and rubbed his back as he emptied the rest of his stomach.

Once done, he flushed the toilet and you handed him a towel. He wiped his mouth and he sat down on the cold tiled floor. He's even crying and he looks up at you.

"I-I'm d-dying," He said as tears streamed down his face.

"No, you are not," you said softly and shook your head. "You're just sick."

"I'm a fucking super soldier!" He said and he sneezed.

You handed him a tissue and he took it. He wiped his nose.

"I.... I.. can't be sick," he breathed out.

"Okay, be that way. I'll be in the kitchen," you said and left him be.

You smirked and went off to the kitchen. You grabbed a pot and put it on the stove. You started making chicken noodle soup from scratch just like how your mom would for you.

"Agent Wyden, Sergeant Barnes is requesting for your assistance and he has stated that he's dying."

You smirked and rolled your eyes. You grabbed cold medicine and a glass of water for Bucky. You head back to his room and find him halfway out of the bathroom lying on the floor. You placed the cold medicine and glass of water down on his nightstand.

"Kaseyyyyyyy," he whined looking at you.

You helped him sit up and then you went to the front of him. You took his hands into yours and you tried pulling him up but he just isn't budging.

"You gotta help me help you," You said.

"I'm a dying man," Bucky coughed out.

"Let me help you get comfortable on your death bed," you said.

He nodded and you helped him up. He immediately leaned against you putting his head on your shoulder. You helped him to his bed and you gave him the cold medicine.

"I'm... not taking that, you're trying to... poison me," Bucky breathed out shaking his head no as you held the cap full of cough syrup.

"Take it before I force you to take it," you said.

He shut his mouth closed and shook his head no. You pour the medicine back into the bottle.

"I'll be right back," you said with a smile on your face.

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