Gold Streak (2) - B.B.

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Bucky looked behind the car and you weren't there. He got worried and started looking everywhere.

"Buck, we gotta go!" Steve called out.

"No! The girl is still around here!" Bucky yelled.

He was very adamant on finding you. He's pretty sure you don't have anything or anyone. He can't just give up on finding you. He has to find you.

He finds small footsteps in the snow and he quickly follows the trail with Dum-Dum Dugan happily helping him. The two men raced off hearing a bloodcurdling scream from you. Cap and Gabe soon followed after.

Dum-Dum stopped seeing a soldier holding a knife to your neck. You're just sobbing looking at the big redhead.

"Hey, c'mon, she's just a kid," Dum-Dum said holding out his hands.

The soldier spat out German words which nobody understood any of it. Bucky hit the soldier in the side of his head with the butt of his pistol. The soldier drops and Bucky grabs you. You screamed sobbing and he flipped you around.

"It's okay, it's okay, kid. You're safe," Bucky said holding you close.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried. He quickly carried you back with Dum-Dum and Gabe backing him up. Steve is leading checking back periodically.

"You're safe. Everything is gonna be okay," Bucky said getting into the back of a covered truck.

He sits down on the far end of the bench. The others come in and soon enough the truck is off. Bucky has you in his lap and Jim covered you with one of the spare blankets. Silence filled the truck except your crying.

(Time skip)

Bucky comes out of the truck with you whimpering in his arms and he has help from Steve. Peggy comes over and looks at you concerned.

"Only survivor?" Peggy asked.

"Barely," Bucky said and starts heading to the medical tent.

"Her parents are probably dead," Steve said watching Bucky walk off. "She's clinging onto Bucky."

"Cause she probably feels safe with him the most," Dum-Dum said.

"He did find her," Steve said. "He was the first face she saw that meant no harm to her."

You screamed and that caught their attention. They quickly ran to the tent. Steve is first in followed by Peggy and Dum-Dum. They see Bucky standing up holding you as you cry.

"She doesn't like needles," Bucky said.

"Get her something to eat and have her go to bed. I don't care if you have to stay with her, do whatever she needs," Peggy said.

"I'll cover your report," Steve said.

Bucky nodded and headed off. He went to the mess hall and grabbed a tray. He held you with one hand and made his way through the line trying to get a little more but nobody budged which he doesn't blame them since they have a whole camp to feed too.

Bucky quickly headed off to his and Steve's tent. He placed the tray on the small bedside table by his cot and he sat down on the cot. He has you sitting on his right thigh.

"You hungry, kid?" Bucky asked looking at you.

You didn't understand a word he said at all. You just looked up at the brunette.

"You're pretty quiet," Bucky said grabbing the dinner roll off the tray and rubbed your back.

He tears the roll in half and puts the bigger half into your small hands. He dips his piece into the mashed potatoes and gravy and takes a bite. You take a small bite of the roll and were very pleased to have something to eat. Bucky grinned and put part of his roll in his mouth. He took off his jacket being very mindful of you and placed it at the foot of the cot leaving him in a black tank top.

"You're definitely a quiet one like me," Bucky said shoving the rest of his roll into his mouth.

Steve comes in and plops himself down on his cot with the tray of food in his lap. You continued to eat slowly trying to savor the piece of the roll not knowing when you'll eat next. You put your head against his chest and you yawned softly.

"Tired?" Bucky asked looking at you.

The boys waited for a response but there won't be. You finished your roll and snuggled up with Bucky. He tried finishing up eating and tried getting you to eat more but you wouldn't eat more. You were tired.

Bucky took off his boots and laid you down on the cot. He grabbed the blanket and covered both of you. He laid on his side beside you. You immediately snuggled up to him making Steve smile and Bucky wrapped his arms around you.

"You're safe, kid," Bucky whispered softly.

To be continued?

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