Gold Streak (3) - B.B.

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You and Bucky fall into a routine. You don't talk or understand a word he says but you stick close to the brunette. You're gaining weight and Bucky is very happy about that. He's glad to have you around. You honestly brighten everyone's day by laughing when you and Bucky play together.

"What are you gonna do with the kid after the war is over?" Steve asked walking side by side with Bucky.

"Dunno. It all depends," Bucky said carrying a sleeping you.

"Depends on what?" Steve asked.

"I don't know, if I die or some shit," Bucky said.

"You're not gonna die," Steve said.

"Sure," Bucky said.

Steve rolled his eyes at his best friend. You wake up and aren't really aware of what's going on.

"Jestem głodna (I'm hungry)," you said looking at Bucky.

The boys stopped and looked at you. You haven't said a word at all.

"What?"  Bucky said.

You just looked at the brunette hoping he understands you.

"Oh my god, she does speak but not English!" Steve said.

"Well, we gotta go figure it out!" Bucky said excitedly.

The boys of course rush off to Peggy even though they found you in Warsaw, Poland. They're a bit clueless at times.

"Peggy, Peggy, Peggy," Steve said running into the command tent.

"What?" She asked turning around with her signature red lips.

"She spoke!" Bucky said proudly holding you.

"And what did she say?" Peggy asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come on, kid, speak," Bucky said looking at you.

"Yeah, kiddo," Steve said.

The two grown men cheered you on and you just furrowed your brow.

"Zatrzymać," you said quietly. "Jestem głodny."

The two grinned widely and Peggy smiled.

"She said 'stop, I'm hungry,'" Gabe said reading a book. "She speaks Polish."

"I'll be back, gotta go feed the Polish girl," Bucky said heading off with you again.

(Time skip)

You sit across from Bucky eating applesauce with a spoon. He's just happily sitting across from you. That ends when explosions go off and you both are thrown to the left. Bucky's vision goes black and his ears are ringing. He comes to hearing you screaming as a German has you and drags you out.

"No," Bucky said trying to get up.

He falls to his knees and sees you screaming bloody murder reaching out for him. He rises quickly even though every muscle and bones aches. He starts running after you. The man can't lose you. He's all you have. You're his little buddy. You make the war less miserable for him and everyone around you.

The camp is in terror and turned into a war zone. Bucky stumbles but keeps running after you. You're thrown into the back of a truck and bullets start flying at him. He takes cover behind a tree and the truck drives off.

"NO!" Bucky screamed running after the truck on the muddy dirt road.

He trips on a rock and hits the ground. He slammed his fist to the ground and screamed his lungs out. He watched as the truck get farther and farther. He couldn't believe it. He let a kid, a little girl, get taken by the enemy. His little buddy was gone.

To be continued?

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