Sister? - S.S.

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Imagine: You're Sebastian's adoptive sister, around 15. You're from Romania but originally Russia. You left Russia when you were 14. You don't know much English and you love music. It's practically the only thing keeping you sane. Sebastian comes home to find you while his mom is out to the store. You're working on homework though you don't get any of it except math.


Sebastian's POV

I drive up to Mom's house to spend the weekend and surprise her and also help around the house. I opened the door expecting to smell her food through out the house but I get nothing. I put my bags down and spot a girl at the table bopping her head to some music. She's got a binder out filled with papers and she has a mechanical pencil in hand. I closed the door and go over. I hear the music playing from her earbuds and I tapped her shoulder. She screamed and fell out of the chair.

"кто ты?! (who are you?!)" she said freaking out and I don't even know what she's saying.

"I don't know what you're saying!" I said a little freaked out myself.

"Cine ești tu? (Who are you?)" she asked with rusty Romanian.

"Sebastian, Cine ești tu?" I asked as she's still on the floor.

"Czarina," she said with a very Russian accent.

I helped her up but she still looked at me confused. Mom came in with groceries. I go over and help her.

"Ma, what's with the kid?" I asked grabbing the bags out of her hands.

"Oh hello! It's your new sister, Czarina," Mom said.

"Sister?!" I said looking back at the girl as she acts like nothing happened and goes back to listening to her music.

"She doesn't know much English and barely any Romanian and she's dyslexic but you can help me by helping her out with her homework!" Mom said leading me to her kitchen.

"I graduated school so I would never have to do homework again and when did you get her?" I asked.

"Last week, you'll be fine and she's excelling at math so you won't have to help her in that department," Mom said shooing me back out to the dining room.

I sit down in the seat next to Czarina and she's still listening to her music. I take one of her journals and see it's all in Russian characters.

"You won't be able to read it, American," Czarina said going slowly and trying to pronounce each word correctly.

"What's it about?" I asked.

"Hmm," she hummed probably not understanding me.

She took out one of her earbuds and put it into my ear. She lowered the volume.

"I lowered the volume since you old," Czarina said with a grin on her face.

Demi Lovato is playing and I go to grab her phone and she smacked me on the wrist.

"Я отрежу твои яйца, а затем скормлю тебе, если ты коснешься моего телефона, (I'll cut your balls off and then feed them to you if you touch my phone)," she said with a serious face.

I slowly retracted my hand and looked at the scary teenager. Camila Cabello started playing now and she gave me a smile before returning to her math. Czarina moves onto writing. It looks like she's been given papers to write the alphabet that are meant for preschoolers. She looks absolutely annoyed with them but she does them anyway. I sit back and watched thinking of better ways to help her out and not make her feel stupid.

Czarina flipped her b's to d's and w's to m's and p's to q's. She puts the papers in front of me and I'm guessing she wants me to check them. I take her pencil and opened one of her journals to a blank page. I showed her what she messed up and she just got frustrated. She slammed her binder shut and crossed her arms.

"Hey, it's okay. English is pretty hard to learn," I said and realized she probably doesn't understand me.

I pulled out my phone and got into google. I pulled up google translate and typed English is hard to learn. It took me awhile too. I handed my phone to Czarina and made sure it came out in Russian for her. She typed away then gave my phone back with Bullshit. I chuckled and typed away. It's true. I was born in Romania then moved to Vienna and then to America. I gave her my phone and she immediately typed away. I'm from Russia and then I moved to Romania since my parents died and my aunt was my only relative. But then she killed herself so now I'm here. I was shocked but typed my response. I'm sorry. That really sucks. You'll be stuck with me and you won't be alone anymore. I'll make sure nothing bad happens cause that's what older brothers are for. She typed away pretty quickly. Thank you. She hugged me and I hugged her back as a One Direction started playing. I'm slightly shocked since 1D broke up awhile ago.

Mom came out with food and I quickly helped Czarina put away her stuff. I then helped set the table. We all sat peacefully at the table and ate dinner. I helped clear the table with Czarina. Mom went off to bed and I showed Czarina my music taste. I also got her Spotify Premium and put my number into her phone so she has it.

We both went off to our separate ways to bed. I changed into sweatpants and a loose T-shirt. I plugged in my phone into the charger and climbed into bed. I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up hearing crying and screaming. I quickly got up and rushed off to Czarina's room. I opened the door and find her having a nightmare uttering Russian words. I sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook Czarina. She shot up screaming and I immediately wrapped my arms around her.

"Shhhhh, it's just a dream," I whispered softly to my sister and I rubbed her back.

She cried softly onto my shoulder and she clutched onto my shirt. Mom stood at the door looking concerned.

"Go to bed, I've got her," I said and she nodded.

She left. I got into Czarina's bed to make sure she'd fall back to sleep before I leave. I ended up being on my back with Czarina on my right side. She's got her head on my shoulder and an arm draped over my stomach. We both fell asleep quickly.

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