Thick Thighs - B.B.

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Imagine: Steve has been trying to find Bucky ever since DC but he's had no such luck since Bucky is always on the move. You've also tried helping Steve but had no luck either.


You are eating cereal at 3 in the morning since you've decided to pull an all-nighter watching all the Star Wars movies in chronological order. The only light on is the overhead one and it's dimmed. You are seated at the massive table for group meals and you've got earbuds in listening to some music.

Bucky slowly walked in seeing the light and sees you air guitaring to whatever is playing. He's pretty beat up and his metal arm is damaged. It's just hanging at his side.

He pulled up the chair across from you and sat down. He put his metal arm on the table and awaited patiently for you to see him.

You opened your eyes and froze in place seeing the Winter Soldier sitting across from you. You took out your earbuds and looked at him.

"I don't know how to fix it," he said quietly looking at his metal arm that's showing wires and other damages.

"I think I can help," you said matching his quiet tone.

"Could you not wake up Steve? He needs his beauty sleep," Bucky said looking at you.

You smirked and nodded. You led him off to Tony's lab. Tony has his music playing in his earbuds and you have Bucky sit in a chair with armrests. You grabbed tools and other supplies while Tony works on his newest Iron Man suit. You found a piece of paper and made it into a paper airplane. You launched it with grace and it hit Tony in the back of the head.

"You little shit!" Tony yelled looking at you.

"Oh my bad, I thought you might wanna help me fix his metal arm," you said pointing to Bucky.

Tony quickly moved his swivel chair over to the two of you.

"Wait, why do we have the Winter Soldier here?" Tony asked.

"I don't know... how to fix it myself," Bucky mumbled.

You and Tony sat beside each other and started working on Bucky's arm. Halfway through, you patched up Bucky while Tony kept working on the metal arm.

By the time you two finished, it's the time where Steve goes out for his run with Sam and Bucky's metal arm is good as new. You took Bucky back to the living room and you planted yourself on the couch. Bucky sat beside you deciding that he should stay a little longer than he planned on.

You played the next Star Wars movie and ended up snuggling up with the Winter Soldier. There's a blanket covering you and Bucky's legs.

"What's the movie about?" He asked quietly.

"It's about this dude named Luke and his family just fucks up the whole galaxy. There's 8 movies in the series. They're coming out with another one in like December," you said. "The original trilogy is the best. It's also best if you just watch. I can answer any questions you have."

He nodded still slightly confused.

(Time skip)

You and Bucky had fallen asleep together. You have your head in his lap and he's got his flesh arm over the front of your shoulders in a protective manner. He's got his head rested in the palm of his metal hand and the elbow of it is on the couch's arm rest. Clint is watching Spongebob Squarepants at the other end of the couch.

Steve and Sam walked in and the others are slowly eating breakfast unaffected that Bucky has made an unexpected visit to the compound. Steve stops dead in his tracks seeing the metal arm and the long dark chestnut hair.

"Oh my god, it's your best pal," Sam said placing a hand on Steve's shoulder.

Bucky stirs in his sleep and Steve rounds the couch finding you asleep with your head in Bucky's lap. Steve is still in shock. Bucky opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Steve.

"What do you want, punk?" Bucky asked sleepily.

"You staying, jerk?" Steve asked.

"He's definitely staying," you mumbled. "His thick thighs are great pillows unlike yours."

Everyone bursted out laughing and Bucky even did. His cheeks even got a little rosy.

"How the hell does he even have time to workout to get these thick thighs?!" Sam asked.

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