High School (AU) - B.B.

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It's your first day at a new school. You wore a red flannel, ripped high waisted skinny jeans, a white cropped top, and black high top converse.

You've never been the type to back down from a fight even if it isn't yours. And that has gotten you into trouble. And has made you have to change to different schools.

You walk down the hall trying to find your class, you're keeping your cool pretty well. But then you see some asshole jock beating the shit out of a small scrawny blonde.

You sighed and made your way over. You tapped on the jocks shoulder. He turns around to you. You punch him square in the jaw knocking him out cold. Everyone just stared at you.

"Jesus Christ, Steve!" A tall brunette said running through the crowd.

You kept walking trying to find your class not really in the mood to talk with anyone.

"What happened?" You overheard the brunette say.

"She just punched him out, Bucky," you heard someone say.

You smirked and kept on walking.

After a couple of minutes, you finally find your math class. You take a seat in the back and played on your phone so you wouldn't have to deal with the teacher.

"Miss Y/L," one of the security guards said.

You sighed knowing your gonna be in deep shit this time. You got up grabbing your backpack and followed her out.

"You got detention!" She yelled slamming a slip against your shoulder.

Great. You thought to yourself.


You walk into the room and immediately find a spot in the back. There's a bunch of people talking amongst themselves and being pretty loud. You slip in your headphones and take out a notebook to draw in.

The tall brunette and the scrawny blonde come walking in. You look up for a split second and then go back to the porcupine that you're drawing in great detail. The blonde and brunette sit by you. Brunette in the seat in front of you and the blonde next to you. The brunette tries to get your attention but you really don't wanna talk with anyone so you turn up your music and keep drawing. The brunette slams his hand on the drawing.

"What the fuck do you want?" You asked trying to not be that harsh but it definitely comes off that way.

"You knocked a football player out cold," The brunette states.

"Yeah, so?" You said crossing your arms.

"You saved Steve, my scrawny friend's ass," The brunette said pointing to the blonde.

"I would've been fine, Bucky," the blonde said.

"Bullshit," The brunette and you say in unison.

The blonde rolled his eyes.

"I hope you find a brain back there with all that bullshit you just told us," you said pointing your pencil at him.

Bucky smirked at you.

A fiery redhead comes over and sits in front of the blonde placing her feet up on his desk.

"Who's the new chick?" She asked.

"Don't know but she punched a jock out cold," Bucky said turning to the redhead.

"My name is Y/N," you said and went back to drawing.

"Pretty. Are you doing anything tomorrow, Doll?" Bucky asked, "I wanna take you out."

You laughed. You really didn't believe he was asking you out. Also you haven't had the best of luck with boys.

"That's some BS," you said getting all serious.

"He doesn't just ask anyone, Y/N," Steve said.

"Hmmm, nah," you said.

Everyone looks at you shocked even Bucky. You went back to drawing.

Before you knew it, it was Friday. You walk out of the school since the bell just rung. A fake blonde in a cheerleading outfit with her posse walks up to you.

"Bucky is mine!" She hissed.

"Good for you," you said trying leave.

Two big dudes pinned you against a wall. It surprised you, you knew you wouldn't be able to get out of their hold.

"You thought it would be smart to punch out Ryan Lockwood? Well we're here to teach you a lesson, newbie," she said.

"Oh, I hope you don't break a nail," you said sarcastically.

She scratches you across the face with her nails drawing blood. You clenched your jaw trying to turn away. They start beating you up and you can't do a damn thing.

They finally leave you alone on the concrete bloody and bruised. You sighed lifting yourself off the ground. You grabbed your backpack and phone. You start walking and check your phone for the time.

"Shit," you mumbled realizing they made you miss your bus.

You start walking home. After a few minutes you hear two people running up behind you, you tensed up thinking that you're new bullies have come back for more.

"Y/N!" Bucky said grabbing your shoulder.

You stop and turn to him relieved.

"What the fuck happened?" Bucky said cupping your face.

"Uh, it was a cat," you said clearly lying.

"Bullshit," he said.

"It was the fake ass blonde cheerleader and her fucking posse," You said pissed off and on the verge of tears.

He wrapped his arms around you. You were about to cry cause you wished you were able to fight back but couldn't.

Part two?

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