Savior {4} - B.B.

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You stuck near May in the kitchen. You're still missing large bits and pieces of your mind and you're still remembering some of your time with your team. You still remember all of your time in Hydra.

"Hey, Y/n, wanna take a field trip to the Avengers Facility?" Skye asked popping into the room.

You looked at May. She's been the one to help you make your decisions.

"You should go, I bet a certain someone would like to see you," May said.

"Okay," You said quietly and followed Skye out.

You wondered who that certain someone is. You just hope it isn't a trap.

"So, nobody there can hack this hard drive that they desperately need and Coulson is sending me there to hack it," Skye said excitedly.

"Okay," You said.

She led you to your room and you started packing a bag. It was slightly difficult due to your left arm is still broken and in a cast. She went to her room and packed.

(Time skip)

You both finally make it to the Avengers Facility in upstate New York. You followed her off the quinjet with your backpack on. You're wearing black high waisted ripped skinny jeans, white NASA cropped hoodie that someone got you, and blue converse.

"Hey— ya brought her?" Natasha asked greeting Skye.

"Duh, she needs to get out of HQ and maybe spend time with somebody who knows what it's like to have your memory wiped," Skye whispered to Natasha as the two walked ahead of you into the building.

You bit your bottom lip as you looked around.

"You punk ass bitch! You ate my last fucking cookie!!" Bucky yelled running after Steve down the hallway.

You, Skye, and Natasha quickly moved out of the way of the super soldiers.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!!!" Tony screamed.

"Wow," Skye said.

"BUCKY, YOU DUMBASS! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE BEFORE I SHOOT YOU DOWN!!!" Natasha yelled and it startled you a bit.

Bucky immediately turned around stopping dead in his tracks.

"Wow, this is really different from HQ," Skye said to you.

You nodded in agreement and you're also very tired. Bucky came over with Steve lagging behind. Natasha smacked him in the face and you moved away from her a bit.

"You can buy more cookies, ya dumbass," Natasha said.

"Excuse me, but I made them and the dumbass ate the one I was saving for myself!" Bucky said holding a hand to his cheek.

"You didn't put your name on it!" Steve said.

"YES I DID!" Bucky yelled and flipped off Steve.

"Bucky, go make more and take Y/n with you," Natasha said and you looked at Skye.

She gave you a nod and you looked at Bucky. He gently took your hand into his metal one.

"Come on, it should be fun," Bucky said giving you a reassuring smile.

You walked beside him as he led you to the kitchen but first took you to a empty room by his to drop your stuff off.

"Did ya kill Steve?" Sam asked sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Not yet," Bucky said.

"Hey, Y/n, I'm Sam," Sam said.

You gave him a awkward smile not knowing what to do. Sam and Bucky bursted out laughing.

"Come on, Doll, you're gonna help me," Bucky said grabbing ingredients for his chocolate chip cookies.

You nodded. He put a bowl in front of you and stood beside you measuring out flour, sugar, and other dry ingredients. You patiently waited.

"Here, crack the eggs," Bucky said placing them in front of you and he grabbed the chocolate chips.

You nodded.

"You sure she can do it one handed?" Sam asked.

You easily cracked the eggs with your right hand putting them into the bowl without getting any pieces of the shell into the bowl.

"Definitely," Bucky said a little shocked.

He took the shells and threw them away. You looked at him to see what's next. He attached the bowl to the stand mixer and turned it on on a low speed. You stood off to the side waiting further instructions from Bucky or even Sam. Sam and Bucky noticed this.

"What's it like at the super secret S.H.I.E.L.D base?" Sam asked.

"It's a old... S.S.R base that Uh... Fury has umm kept Uh... hidden," You said trying to put the right words together and trying to get your memories sorted out.

"What's the S.S.R?" Sam asked already knowing.

"Strategic Scientific...," you said softly and snapped your fingers as if the last word will come to you out of thin air.

They both gave you a moment and it frustrated you that you couldn't remember.

"Reserve?" Bucky asked looking at you.

You nodded slightly embarrassed. Bucky checked on the dough and had you add the chocolate chips. You both got the cookies down on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven.

"How long until you get the cast off?" Sam asked as Bucky set a timer on his phone.

"Uh... May would know," you said scratching the back of your head.

"What's she like?" Bucky asked leading you over to the couches.

"Deadly," You said looking at the floor.

He sat down and patted the spot next to him. You sat next to him and waited for him to speak or Sam.

(Time skip)

You ended falling asleep halfway through a movie after eating some of the cookies. Your head is on Bucky's thigh and he covered you up with a blanket earlier. He's running his fingers through your soft hair gently as you sleep. He's stayed in this position for about two hours and he doesn't care at all. He quite enjoys this.

"Yo, she's sleeping?" Skye asked quietly leaning against the back of the couch.

Bucky nodded.

"That's great, she rarely sleeps anyways. She used to sleep for like over 12 hours and nothing could wake her, not even gunfire," Skye whispered. "True story."

Bucky smirked and Skye went into the kitchen.

"WE BETTER HAVE FUCKING CHICKEN NUGGETS!" Clint yelled walking in and it startled you awake.

Skye immediately pulled out her gun and aimed it at him. Bucky glared at him.

"I NEE—!" Peter screeched running in and you gripped onto Bucky's pants leg.

Skye shot him with an icer bullet twice and he collapsed to the ground unconscious. She then shoots Clint down.

"Oh my god," Bucky said. "Are they dead?"

"No, these bullets only knock them out cold," Skye said.

"Can I have some?" Bucky asked.

"I'll see what I can do," she said.

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