Single Father (2) - B.B.

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You and Bucky somehow managed to fall asleep together on the couch. Sam and Clint might have something to do with it. You and Bucky have been dodging each other ever since the campfire.

Your arms are wrapped around Bucky's torso and your head is right his chin. He's got his arms securely wrapped around you even his metal arm and you both are facing each other on your sides. Your legs are intertwined together.

"Wow, look at those two," Natasha said walking in with Steve.

"Uncle Clint and Uncle Sammy carried Hunter in here and put her in Daddy's arms," Kendra said standing up on her chair.

Steve face palmed and covered you and Bucky up with a fuzzy blanket.

"I'm gonna go yell at them," Natasha said.

(Time skip)

You and Bucky wake up to Sam and Clint screaming due to Natasha having a taser and threatening their existence. You and Bucky fall off the couch getting startled and bringing the pillow down with you. You land on your back and Bucky ends up on top of you. He was kind enough to get on his knees and put his hands right by your ears.

"This is awkward," Bucky whispered tiredly.

He lowered himself down but a little more off to the side. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in the crook of your neck.

"How the fuck did I end up like this?" You mumbled still super tired.

Wanda tosses a blanket over the two of you and you are so so so very confused at how you ended up in the living room.

Bucky ended up falling back to sleep. Kendra runs over with a blanket tied as a cape and she's got her Bucky Bear. She plops herself down next to you and you tensed up. She manages to get underneath Bucky's arm and she puts her head on your shoulder. Kendra pulls the blanket over herself and curls up at your side holding her teddy bear. On instinct, you put your arm around her and just let it happen deciding this is how you'll handle the situation.

(Time skip)

Bucky wakes up to the TV going and all the Avengers are watching a movie in the dark room. He looks to see that he's still on the floor and his metal arm is draped over both you and Kendra. He sees that Kendra is also curled up at your side and your arm is around her protectively. He smiles at the sight but realizes it's gonna be a bitch to get Kendra back onto her sleep schedule. Bucky leans over. You put your whole hand in his face and looked at the man.

"Excuse me, I've lost blood flow on my whole right side and if you could please not move your body weight and distribute the loss of blood flow to my whole body, that'd be great," you whispered moving your hand and patting his cheek.

"Okay," Bucky said smiling and he hovers above you.

"Excuse me, I'm trying to watch Finding Nemo," Tony sassed. "I don't wanna hear your voices!"

(Time skip)

Kendra heard screaming and crying. She was gonna go into her dad's room since she woke up from a bad dream. She makes her way to the sounds with her hand on the wall guiding the six year old.

Kendra comes upon your room holding her bear and she opens the door. She tiptoes in to see you having a nightmare like how her dad has them. She climbs up on the bed knowing what to do. She lays down on your stomach and wraps her small arms around you with the bear pressed up against you.

"Daddy took me to the beach for summer break and he took me camping," Kendra whispered into your ear. "He also took me fishing but he isn't good at it. Uncle Stevie is a lot better. The beach was the best part. We built sandcastles and Daddy got sand in his metal arm. He had to use the uh... umm ummmm power washer! to get it off. He got so annoyed too."

"We- we- we- we also went to Coney Island. Daddy hadn't been there in years cause he's so old," Kendra said giggling at the end.

She couldn't stop giggling at calling her father so old. It somehow calmed you down. Kendra kept on with her stories until she ended up falling asleep on top of you. You woke up and pulled the blankets over the two of you. You wrapped your arms around her protectively. You don't want anything bad to happen to her, this small little girl who's father is the
ex-Winter Soldier. You don't care. You'll be willing to protect her with your life.

To be continued?

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