High School (2)(AU) - B.B.

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You moved away a month later after that whole incident due to your dad being in the Marines and that was your sophomore year. During that month that you were in Brooklyn, you were best friends with Bucky and Steve and friends with their friends. Now, you're back your senior year.

Your POV

I walked into the school and went to the office as some dumb jock is being brought in by his buddies with a bloody nose. I've already missed first and second period and lunch so I've got two class periods left for the day.

"Sup, I just got here and I'm new," I said.

"Do you need a tour?" The front desk lady asked.

"No, I just need a note and my schedule," I said.

I'm wearing black high waisted skinny jeans, blue cropped hoodie, black framed glasses (since your vision is terrible and you ran out of contacts), and white high top converse.

"Name?" She asked.

"Y/n Y/l/n," I said fucking with the pens.

"Alright, welcome to Shield High," she said with a fake smile on her face grabbing a printed copy of my schedule.

She gave it to me with a note and I left the office saying a thank you to her. I looked at my schedule to see I have Art 3 right now. I went off down the empty hallway and found the room.

I opened the door in the middle of some art documentary and I gave the teacher my note.

"There's a empty seat by Steve," she said pointing to a beefy blonde who looks so fucking familiar.

I go over and realized puberty finally hit the shrimp. I plopped down in the seat next to him and he's drawing in his notebook a picture of the Brooklyn Bridge.

"Sup, ya big ole goof," I whispered as I put my backpack under the table.

He snapped his in my direction and he looks shocked.

"Holy crap," He whispered wrapping his arms around me.

"Puberty finally hit you," I whispered chuckling.

"It took forever," he whispered chuckling.

"SHHH!" A chick in front of us shushed.

"I will fight you, doll face," I hissed as Steve parted from me.

She face forward terrified.

"That was a bit much," Steve whispered.

"Thank you," I said.

The bell rang and everyone stood up. Lights turned on.

"What do you have next?" Steve asked and I gave him my schedule.

He scanned it over as we walked out of the classroom and said, "you've got Stats with Natasha and then school's over."

"Chill, I'll see ya soon," I said and we split ways.

I get to Stats and see Natasha with Wanda and Maria. I go over to their table.

"Sup, hoes," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Oh my god! Bucky's one month chick is back!" Wanda said hugging me.

"I ain't his chick," I said hugging her.

"Sure, are you going to homecoming?" Natasha asked as we all sat down at the table.

"I've been here for like a total of 15 minutes and nobody has asked me," I said.

"I hear that Lacey is trying to get Bucky to take her," Maria said.

A dark skinned dude that's muscular leans over and said, "pfft, Barnes ain't taking her. He's talking about leaving her ratchet ass. He never liked her anyways."

"Hi, I'm Y/n," I said.

"Gasp! You're the chick that Barnes won't shut up about. I was starting to think that you were a myth," he said.

"You must be myth-taken then," I said.

"Oh my god! That was the greatest pun I've heard all day," a small brunette freshman said.

"Thank you, freshie," I said.

"I'm Peter," he said.

"Lit," I said giving him a thumbs up.

He looked back at his papers and talked with his friend.

(Time skip)

Natasha, Wanda, and I walked to the football field and I spot Bucky with his hair in a low man bun talking with Steve as they tossed the football around with Sam. Sam has the ball and he spots me as the girls and I walked onto the field. I shed off my backpack and it falls to the ground. I pointed to the end zone and he nodded.

"Throw the fucking ball, Sam!" Bucky yelled not even  noticing the exchange we had.

He throws the ball straight over Bucky's head and I start sprinting as fast as I can for the football.

"GET IT Y/N!!!" Natasha screamed and Wanda screamed at me too.

"GET IT!!" Steve yelled straining his voice.

I sprinted down field and caught the ball in my hands. My foot makes it into the end field and I'm tackled to the ground. I land on my back and I hold the football in the air. My glasses are still on and aren't broken thankfully.

"What the shit fuck, Y/n?" Bucky asked hovering above me.

"Touchdown, bitch," I sassed.

"Fucking nerd," he said chuckling and pushed up my glasses to the bridge of my nose.

"I'm a fucking nerd who made a touchdown!!" I said proudly.

He got off of me and held out a hand to me. I happily accept it and he helps me up. I'm then engulfed in his beefy arms as a fake blonde storms over. It's my former bully.

"I missed you," He whispered.

"YOU FUCKING HOE!!!" She screamed.

I broke away from Bucky and stepped forward. She pushed me and I just smiled at her.

"Get your ratchet ass Botox face out of my all natural face before I punch the lip injections out of your crusty ass lips," I sassed getting in her face.

"Bucky," she said.

"Sorry, you sucked Trenton's cock in the shared showers, Macey. Also, no, I'm going to homecoming with you, a psychopath," Bucky said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Bye!" I said waving bye as she stomped off the field.

Bucky chuckled and I looked up at him.

"Yo! Throw the ball back!!" Sam yelled and I grabbed the football out of Bucky's hand.

I throw it at Sam and do near perfect spiral.

"Holy fucking shit," Bucky said with his hands on his hips as Sam catches it.

"I know, it's shocking... that Sam caught the ball," I said and that made Bucky laugh.

We started walking back to the others.

"Since you don't have a date to homecoming and I don't either—," I started saying.

"Yes," Bucky said wrapping his arms around me and we stopped walking.

He tilted up my chin and pressed his lips against mine softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he cupped my face into his hands.

"GET A ROOM!!" Steve yelled.

Bucky and I chuckled looking at each other blushing.

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