Chapstick - B.B.

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You watched Bucky biting down on his bottom lip that's bleeding due to his lips being chapped. Real chapped.

"You need some chapstick?" You asked.

"What?" He said looking at you.

"Chapstick," You said.

"What is that?" He asked.

"It's like lipstick—," You started saying.


"You didn't let me finish," you said calmly.

"Still no," Bucky said shaking his head no.

"Fine, deal with your chapped ass lips that are bleeding, Buck," you said getting off the couch.

You left the room and went down to your apartment in the tower.

(Time skip)

You sat beside Bucky for the movie night and his bottom lip is cracked and bleeding. He's holding a tissue to it and checking it every so often.

"You want some chapstick?" You asked quietly.

He shook his head no.

"You have these crusty ass lips, Barnes," Tony said pausing the movie.

"Some chapstick will help," Sam said.

You quickly pulled out some chapstick and you pushed him down on his back getting into his lap. He was quicker than you and covered his mouth with his metal hand.

"Ya know, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to pry off your hands because I'm smarter than that. If you need chapstick, I got you, boo," you said and gave him a quick wink.

You got up and left the blushing super soldier. Bucky has had a crush on you since the day he met you. You call him Boo cause that's what you call your little adorable nephew and you find Bucky adorable and gorgeous and hot as fuck, if you're gonna be completely honest. You also love it when the soldier blushes at the nickname. He doesn't think you see it but you do.

(Time skip)

You ran to your bathroom after seeing Bucky picking at his lips again and went through your chapstick/lipstick draw. You grabbed a EOS coconut milk chapstick and applied it to your lips. You grabbed a couple other flavors that are unopened duplicates and go back up to the loft.

"Bucky, just stop picking at your lips," Steve said sternly to his friend.

Bucky scrunched up his nose and you came over. You leaned down and pressed your lips against his transferring some of the chapstick onto his which was your plan. Everyone in the room is shocked and Bucky just sat on the couch frozen and blushing but he soon pushed against your lips.

You pulled away first and said placing a hand on his cheek, "I care about you, boo. You gotta use chapstick cause these lips ain't going on those ever again."

You put the unopened chapstick into his hand and went off to pack for a mission.

(Time skip - a week)

You come into your bedroom and dropped your bags on the floor. Bucky is in the bathroom trying to find that one chapstick flavor you kissed him with. He froze in place and you pushed open the bathroom door.

"I- Uh ummm uh..," he said.

"Come here, Boo," you said.

He stepped forward and you put your hand on his cheek. You stood up on your tippy toes and he met you halfway. You both pressed your lips together gently and grinned finally tasting that flavor again. His lips are so much softer than were before. Thank god for chapstick.

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