New Years - S.R.

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Tony was having one of his grand parties that he always throws.

I walked in wearing my favorite blue party dress. It sparkled in the lighting which made me very happy. I made my way to Nat and Wanda.

"Hey ladies," I said smirking.

"Hey, you finally made it!" Wanda said hugging me.

"Well, I didn't have any other plans tonight and also free booze!" I said excitedly.

The two laughed. I became friends with them even though all I do is tech work for Stark. I was just the nerdy girl off to the side. But they made me become a part of their group. Probably cause there is so much testosterone and we all had to stick together.

"No glasses?" Nat said.

"Contacts," I said.

"You should wear contacts more often," Wanda said.

"I might," I said.

Steve came over. I had a massive crush on the blonde super soldier.

"Hey, Nat, Wanda," he spoke in that Brooklyn accent of his.

He turned to me.

"Wow," he said.

"Hi, Steve Rogers," he said holding his hand out to me.

Wanda and Nat laughed at him cause he didn't realize it was me.

"Y/N YL/N," I smirked shaking his hand.

"Oh my god," Steve said realizing it was me, "I'm so sorry, you didn't have your glasses on."

"It's fine, Steve," I said smiling at him.

"Can I make it up to you by having this dance?" He smiled holding out his hand.

"Sure," I said blushing and took his hand.

Wanda and Nat cheered me on.

We went to the dance floor. He put one of his hands on my waist. I placed my hand on his shoulder and we held each other's hand. We danced for about a minute.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6," everyone started chanting.

"5," I said.

"4," he said looking at my eyes.

"3," I said looking up at him.

"2," Steve said.

"One," we both said.

Confetti and glitter flew on top of us. We both looked up and then at each other. He leaned in for a kiss and so did I. Our lips locked together.

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