Wait (2) - B.B.

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Bucky came out the bathroom and went over to the nurse.

"You ready, Mr. Barnes?" She asked.

He nodded and she led him into the NICU. There's other babies who were premature in the incubators and their parents are looking at their small kids. It scared Bucky to death.

"She's 2 and a half pounds," was all he heard from the nurse as she stopped at his daughter's incubator.

She's small and has wires everywhere. She's got a tube down her throat and oxygen going through her nose. She's got a small hat on and the tiniest diaper that Bucky has ever seen.


May had taken off and you're behind the bar. Skye's got her music playing sitting at the bar and the two of you are talking. Ward is of course annoyed by it so he ignores you two. Phil is up in the cockpit with May. Wanda has joined you and Skye at the bar. Natasha is taking a nap. Bucky is taking a shower. Sam is down in the lab talking about gadgets with Fitz and Simmons.

Work From Home by Fifth Harmony starts playing as Sam comes up with Fitz and Simmons. Sam gets excited and starts dancing along. Ward is shocked.

"Wardy Boy, you jealous?" You asked.

"No...," Ward said.

"He just can't move like Sam," Skye said smirking.

Ward closes his book and bobs his head to the music. He starts dancing and you and Skye screamed in shock.

Bucky walks in seeing Ward and Sam having a dance battle. Bucky walks straight through the two of them and heads over to you.

"What can I get ya?" You asked as he sat down at the bar on the end.

"Whatever they're having," Bucky said pointing to Sam and Ward.

"They're actually sober," you said.

He looked at you shocked and surprised. He looked back at them seeing how stupid they look.

"Oh my god, that's embarrassing," Bucky said concerned about them.

You laughed and he looked back at you.

"I guess I'll have whiskey then," Bucky said.

You got him a square glass and grabbed the already opened bottle. You poured the brown in the glass till about three inches and you bottle back.

"Thanks, Doll," Bucky said taking a sip of his drink.

You blushed at the nickname he gave you and he smiled.


Bucky watched his daughter's chest rise and fall. He has his arms folded on top of the incubator and he's looking down at her. He counts how many toes she has and how many fingers she has. 10 for each. He's scared to death but counting each digit gives him some sort of comfort.

There's a huge glass panels letting outsiders look on in and Steve is on the outside watching Bucky. Skye is at Steve's side. She's scared that's she's gonna lose you. You had to be put on leave ever since you found out that you were pregnant which disappointed you but you always wanted to be a mom so excitement outweighed everything else.

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