Interviewer - S.S.

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They sat you down in a chair and you're pretty confused as to why you're doing this. You've got notecards that have been given to you. There's so many random questions on them and most don't even pertain to the two actors that you're supposed to interview for The Ellen Show.

Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie walk in. You greet them cause that's what the producer told you to do but you don't mention your name. You all sit down.

"So, Infinity War is coming up in a few months," you said.

"Yes," Mackie said.

"Most would ask for spoilers but I'm not gonna do that. So, tacos or enchiladas?" You asked with a straight face.

"Tacos," Mackie said.

"Definitely tacos," Sebastian said.

You tossed the notecard behind you.

"Next question... Ellen DeGeneres or JJ Reed?" You asked.

"Who's JJ Reed?" Sebastian asked politely.

"Yeah, I don't know him either," Mackie said.

You looked over at the producer and she motioned you to continue.

"He's.. an Olympic athlete," You said looking at the actors.

"Oh. Ellen," Mackie said.

You nodded and Sebastian said, "JJ Reed, right?"

"Yeah," You said.

"Then I'll go with him, I guess," Sebastian said.

"Who was your first celebrity crush? Hint: Ellen DeGeneres," You said reading off the notecard.

"Sharon Stone," He said.

"Ellen," Mackie said chuckling.

"Stan, you're fucking this up," You said looking at a notecard.

"Don't drop f-bombs," the producer said quietly.

"Shit. Already fuck that shit up," you said looking up.

The two actors laughed.

"Damn, Sorry Ellen. —Are you two gonna see the Winter Olympics?"

"Probably not," Mackie said.

The people behind the camera laughed which rose some eyebrows from the two actors.

"Snowboarding or skiing?"

"Skiing," they both said.

You just sighed and tossed the card behind you.

"Five Guys or In & Out?"

"Five Guys," Sebastian said and it gave you a bit of hope.

"Tacos," Anthony said.

"JJ Reed or Shaun White?" You asked.

"I've heard of Shaun White. He's a cool redhead," Anthony said.

"Did you hear that he cut his hair?" Sebastian asked looking at Anthony.

You looked at the camera.

"Oh yeah! He looks amazing!" Mackie said. "I cannot wait to see him in the Olympics."

You tossed the rest of the notecards behind you. You were just so disappointed with them. You looked at the producer and she's laughing hysterically with a hand over her mouth. You just shook your head looking at the camera.

"Team Ellen or Team JJ?" You asked.

"Team Ellen," they both said.

"Wait, who exactly is JJ Reed?"

"She said earlier, if you were paying attention, Mack Attack, you would've that he's an Olympic athlete," Sebastian said matter of factly.

"What does he do? Is he Team USA?" Anthony asked.

"He's a pro snowboarder. He was only 17 when he went into the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Won a gold medal in slope style and for the half pipe. He also got an A for a poem he wrote in high school," You said. "His mother was really proud of her daughter —I mean son."

"Damn, you know a lot about this dude," Mackie said. "Are you crushing on him?"

"He's just an inspiration to society. I hope to achieve his level of greatness," You said smirking.

"How old are you?" Sebastian asked.

"21," You said.

"Damn, child, you're still young. Look at you, you're interviewing the most famous boys in Marvel," Mackie said.

"Yeah, it's insane. Man, it's been a dream come true," you said with a smile on your face.

"What are your dreams?" Mackie asked.

"Oh my god. You might as well ask her hopes and desires," Sebastian said sarcastically.

"Yes! What are they, you 21 year old?" Mackie asked.

"Oh Jesus," Sebastian said.

"Wait, we don't know your name," Mackie said freaking out.

"Oh shit!" Sebastian said.

"What is your name?" Mackie asked.

"It's actually James," you said. "My mom let my dad name me. I don't know if it was a mistake or not."

"Damn, that's Bucky name," Sebastian said.

"I need to know your dreams, your hopes, and your desires," Mackie said.

"This is a weird ass interview. My hopes are to get another gold medal. My dream is to land perfectly after doing this badass like triple axle vibe thing but with snowboarding. And my desires are to never interview two dudes that wear spandex for a living," You said. "Ya feel me?"

"No not at all," Sebastian said scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I'm JJ Reed. That's Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie and I am done with this interview," you said putting your hands on your thighs and looking directly at the camera. "See ya in Pyeong Chang, America."

You got up as their jaws dropped. You did a peace sign to the producer and walked out of the room.

To be continued?

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