Baby Drama (3) - S.S.

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"I d-don't know if- if I can, S-Sebastian," you cried.

"Yes, you can, Y/n. You're the strongest person I know and I know you can. Soon you'll get the epidural and it will be easier but you just gotta get over this part and it's gonna be hard but I know you can, baby. Then we'll have our little guy and he'll have the strongest mommy ever," Sebastian said tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "It'll be just the three of us and Chris."

You chuckled slightly and Sebastian wipes away your tears.

"I can't wait to meet our little boy," Sebastian said pressing his lips against yours.

"I c-can't either," you said.


"I don't wanna have a baby while walking around the hospital. I really rather not give birth on the floor," you said holding onto Sebastian's hand and the IV pole as you two slowly walked down the halls of the maternity ward like the doc suggested.

"You won't," Sebastian said.

"How do you know?" You asked.

"Cause I wouldn't let you have our newborn child on the hospital floor. It seems pretty nasty, babe," he said kissing your forehead.

"Yeah," You said looking up at him.

You guys get back to the room and you climbed into the bed. Sebastian got behind you in the bed and you leaned back against him. He kissed your temple and wrapped his arms around you. He played with your hair and soon you just fell asleep on him.

He smiled softly and took out his phone. He went into camera mode and took a picture capturing the moment. Your lips are slightly parted and your head is against his shoulder. He absolutely loves the picture and he posted it on Instagram with a black and white filter. He captioned it with: just a waiting game now.

He watched as comments and likes sky rocketed. He smirked as his fans decode everything in the picture until they figured it out. He put away his phone when he felt you stir slightly. He leaned back with you in the bed. He himself fell asleep.

(Time skip)

It's 5pm. You got the epidural, finally. You're on your side holding Sebastian's hand as you look through your phone and updating your parents who are across the country in Seattle visiting your aunt. He's texting his mom and texting friends.

"When's your mom coming?" You asked.

"She's says like tomorrow. She doesn't want to stress us out and give us some time with the kid before she spoils him rotten," Sebastian said.

"She's too sweet," you said.

"I know. This kid is honestly gonna be spoiled so much by everyone," Sebastian said.

"Totally," You said.

"I've already got Amazon shipping bear onesies for him," he said.

"Is cause you saw that one video of a 8 month old raiding it's mom's drawers wearing one?" You asked.

"Duh," He said kissing you. "It was freaking adorable."

"You're adorable," you said.

"So are you," He said smiling softly at you.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You put a hand on his shoulder feeling another contraction and you gripped onto his shirt tightly. He parted away seeing your face scrunch up in pain.

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