Sad Sushi Roll - B.B.

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Imagine: Bucky has been having a terrible day to the point where he's actually crying when he comes
home. You, your five year old, 4 year old, and 2 year old come up with a game plan to make Bucky feel better.


"Why is daddy sad, mommy?" Ava, the four year old, asked pulling on my sweatpants leg.

I looked back at Bucky to see him holding Emmy, our 6 month old, on the couch while cartoons play for Jax and Grant.

"Daddy had a rough day so we're gonna make it better," I said pushing a strand of her brown chestnut hair behind her ear.

"What are we gonna do?" She asked looking up at me.

"Something special," I said smiling.

I put the cookies in the oven.

"Jax, Grant, Ava, come on upstairs," I said heading over to the couch.

The three quickly run up the stairs like a pack of wolves.

"Can I borrow this one?" I asked smiling sweetly at Bucky and reaching out for Emmy.

He nodded and gave her to me. I kissed him on the cheek.

"We'll make you feel better, darling, don't you worry," I said.

He gave me a sad smile and I gave him a quick peck on the lips. I then went upstairs with Emmy. The kids wait for me at mine and Bucky's bedroom door. I nodded to Grant, the oldest, to open the door and he does so. We all file in. I placed Emmy in her pack and play. She started playing with her stuffed bear that Bucky got for her. I closed the door and the kids got on the huge ass bed.

"We gotta make Daddy feel better. Got any ideas?" I asked them.

"We pwunch him in da nuts and tell him grwow a pair!" Jax said excitedly and giggling.

"Okay you're never staying with Uncle Sam again," I said. "Any other ideas?"

"Daddy likes it when you wear his hoodies, momma," Grant said.

I immediately go into the closet and grabbed five of Bucky's hoodies which definitely smell like his cologne. I handed two of them to the ones who can dress themselves and I helped Jax put on his hoodie. I smiled widely seeing how huge they're on the kids. I put on mine and put one on the 6 month old. I picked up Emmy and Jax reaches out for me. I of course picked him up and held each one on one of my hips.

"Okay, what else?" I asked looking at the two on the bed.

"Make Daddy a swushi rwoll," Jax said.

"I don't know how to make sushi rolls," I said.

"No! Daddy becomes da rwoll," Jax said.

"Yeah! We-we wrap him up in a... blanket and he becomes a sushi roll and then! We we put on Beauty and The Beast since it's his uh... favorite movie! And we can feed him COOKIES! And he'll be all happy again!" Grant said standing up on the bed.

"Let's do it, Soldiers!" I said and the oldest hop off the bed.

They run out of the room excitedly and I follow the trail holding Jax and Emmy. I come down the stairs as the other two are the base of the stairs.

"Attack," I whispered to the two and placed down Jax.

The two of them run over to Bucky and I've already can tell he cried some more. Jax trails slowly behind pulling up the hoodie. I plopped Emmy in a chair and laid out a big fluffy blanket down on the floor while keeping an eye on Emmy.

"Soldiers," I said and the two oldest immediately stopped and looked at me.

Jax takes his tiny fist and punches Bucky in the nuts. Bucky groaned, clenched his jaw, and covered his nuts looking at Jax confused. Emmy and Jax started giggling.

"You little punk," Bucky mumbled looking at Jax who's dying laughing.

"That was not part of the plan!" I said pointing at Jax.

"What plan?" Bucky asked looking worried.

"Get on the blanket," I commanded.

He does so and lays down on his back.

"Kids," I said and the three of them run over.

We quickly rolled Bucky up in the blanket and then we put him back on the couch which was a struggle but we did it. I put Emmy in her daddy's lap and the kids gathered around him. They snuggled up to him while I put in Beauty & The Beast into the DVD player and got the movie started. I went into the kitchen and put popcorn in the microwave. I checked on the cookies to see them nicely cooked. I pulled them and let them cool.

The popcorn finishes and I put it in a bowl. I put the cookies on a plate and make my way out with both of them. I put the cookies on the coffee table and give Jax the popcorn bowl.

Ava and Grant moved to the floor and I sat down next to Bucky. I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned against me.

"I love you, baby," I said kissing his cheek.

He sniffled and puckered his lips. He looked at me and I pressed my lips against his.

"I wove you too," He whispered.

I smirked and he smirked at me. Emmy chewed on the sleeve of Bucky's hoodie. He freed his flesh arm and put his hand on Emmy's stomach.

"Such a cutie," he whispered as she looked up at him.

"Definitely a daddy's girl," I whispered.

"I'm a mama's boy," Jax said smiling up at Bucky.

"Yeah you are," Bucky chuckled and ruffled up Jax's hair.

He giggled and leaned against Bucky.

"Daddy's a happy swushi woll," Jax said.

Bucky laughed and the other two shushed him. He shook his head at the two but he smiled on his face.

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