Cookie Dough Ice Cream - S.R.

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Imagine: Steve doesn't do one night stands and neither do you but here you are. You're pregnant with the super soldier's child. Steve gets a lot of crap and teasing from the Avengers cause of it.


Tony's starting things with Steve again. It's of course about him knocking you up though Tony hasn't met you at all yet. Only Bucky and Sam have met you and already adore you like a sister.

"I don't get how someone that says he's so honorable knocked some random chick up. She must be some slut," Tony said and that pissed Steve off.

Steve was swift and pushed Tony up against the wall by the collar of his shirt.

"You can talk all the crap you want about me but don't you fucking dare talk about Y/n that way, you hear me?!" Steve hissed and it shocked everyone. "She's too good for this world."

He dropped Tony to the floor and left the room. He went down to his apartment and slipped on some tennis shoes. He grabbed his keys and put them in his pocket. He put on a rain jacket and a baseball cap. He quickly left the tower running. It's raining hard but he doesn't care. He just has to see you.

Steve reaches your apartment building and goes in. He races up the stairs and almost slips due to the water but he shakes it off. He reaches the third floor and goes down to the end of the hall. Steve pulls out his keys and finds the one you gave him. He goes to unlock your door but it's already unlocked. He opened the door and finds you on the couch with a tub of cookie dough ice cream on your bump acting as a table for you. You're also watching Friends.

"Hi," you said quietly, looking at him and slightly embarrassed.

He smirked and closed the door behind him and locked it. He slipped off his shoes and put them on your shoe rack by the door. He took off his hat and jacket. He hung them up and went over to you. He climbed over the couch and sat behind you. He kissed your cheek and stole your spoon. You whined as you watched him take a huge scoop and put it in his mouth.

"Here, baby," Steve said giving back the spoon to you.

You went to kiss his cheek but he turned last second. Your lips connected and you could tell he's smiling. You both could taste the ice cream on each other and it was a slightly sticky kiss but you both didn't care. He wrapped his arms around you and loved every moment of this.

You parted away first to breath and you smiled at him blushing. He kissed your forehead softly.

"I love you," Steve said.

"You're just saying that cause I'm pregnant with your kid," you said slightly sad.

"No, I love you for you. Yes, you are carrying my kid which is cool and amazing and I cannot wait to meet them but everything about you just makes me love you so much. Like just walking in here to see you all cute and adorable with a gallon tub of ice cream on your bump made me wanna run over to you and wrap my arms securely around you. Beforehand, Tony was pissing me off and I was so mad but just being around you made me forget why I was mad in the first place," Steve rambled and your eyes became misty as he kept talking. "You're like this adorable ball of sunshine that I just have to have in my life and I hope that our kid is just like you cause I know they'll be so amazing. I love you so much."

"Damn it, you're making me cry, Steve, and I love you too," you said with happy tears streaming down your face.

He pressed his soft lips against yours and you placed a hand on his cheek.

"I definitely want more days like this," Steve whispered.

You hummed in agreement getting yourself another scoop of cookie dough ice cream. He smiled contently and snuggled up to you.

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