Rendezvous - B.B.

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Imagine: Steve found Bucky over 6 months ago, right after you had his son. Bucky didn't want to bring you and your newborn child with him to the tower cause he didn't trust any of them except Steve. So, every Saturday you two had rendezvous in Washington DC at the Smithsonian. Bucky honestly hated them so much since he was missing out his son's life.

Bucky was supposed to kill you but he spared you due to your kind nature and you cared for him. You were his rock and he was yours. The rendezvous didn't really help either of you since you both wanted him to be with you at all times. However this time, Steve followed Bucky.


Bucky snuck out once again this Saturday but this time he being followed by Steve and Natasha. Steve had previously asked Natasha if she would join him on his mission to figure out where Bucky goes. Bucky got into the black Range Rover he was given and drove off out of the parking garage. Natasha and Steve followed in pursuit getting into Nat's new car that Bucky doesn't know of. Natasha drove and Steve sat in the passenger seat. Nat loaded up the small tracker that she put in Bucky's car the previous night. She backed out and drove off to where the tracker is telling them to go.

"This should be fun," Natasha said with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, lets not get too carried away since we are slightly stalking Bucky," Steve said.

"Hey, its all you, Stephen," Natasha said and he just rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile, Bucky's listening to Fall Out Boy and singing along with the lyrics as he drives all the way to DC. It's around 5am and the sun hasn't come out yet.

The other two keep wondering where Bucky is going since it's been a two hour drive already.

"Where are we going?" Steve asked.

"I dunno maybe DC or some shit cause this is the way to go," Natasha said.

"Why?" Steve asked.

"I don't know this shit! He's your best friend!" Natasha said wondering why the hell this blonde super soldier keeps asking her questions she doesn't know the answers to.

After finally arriving to his destination, it's 10:23am and Bucky parks the car in the same spot as he does every Saturday. He gets out and locks the car. He walked all the way up the museum stairs just as Steve and Natasha spot him as she tries to find a parking spot.

"Maybe he needs to see who he was," Steve said.

"I dunno," Nat said.

She found a spot which happens to be near Bucky's Range Rover. The two get out dawning the cap and sunglasses. The two walked to the museum side by side. They get in and find Bucky to be nowhere in sight. Steve leads Natasha to the Captain America and once they get there, Natasha stopped him seeing Bucky with a y/h/c.

"Hey," You said and Bucky kissed you on the lips in the middle of the crowded exhibit.

"I've missed you," he muttered pressing his forehead against yours.

"I know but it's only been a week," you said.

"He's gotten so big, Y/n," Bucky said taking his son into his arms.

Daxton smiled widely up at his father and Bucky smiled back with a matching smile that his son definitely got from him.

"He definitely missed you," You said kissing the back of Daxton's head.

Bucky leaned in and kissed you again.

"Lets get out of here," Bucky said.

The two of you walked past Steve who was trying not to be suspicious and covered his face but Bucky noticed him the whole time. He snatched Steve's hat off his head and throws it back at him in the face like a frisbee.

"Punk ass bitch," Bucky muttered to his friend as he took your hand into his and kept on walking.

Bucky smirked hearing a few kids get overly excited about seeing Captain America. The three of you left the museum and walked around the cold city laughing about what Bucky did. Even little Daxton was giggling with you two.

Steve practically ran out after a few kids noticed him and he ran after Bucky. Nat just walked to her car and left DC.

Bucky stopped dead in his tracks after hearing Steve running to catch up with him.

"Can you move any slower?" Bucky asked turning to his best friend.

Steve rolled his eyes and started walking with you three.

Possible part two...

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