Save Her - S.S.

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Sebastian would never think his day would end up like this. He was just grabbing a package from down in the lobby and left his sleeping sick four year old daughter in her bed cause he finally got her to go to bed. He just thought it would be all okay but his neighbors decided to light their curtains on fire due to them taking some drugs. Sebastian tried going back in but the fire chief grabbed him. He's practically been holding onto Sebastian to make sure he won't go in.

"Chief, I've got a four or three old little girl. I'm on the 25th floor on the south side, sir. I have no exits. I repeat I've got no exits. The fire is *cough* —it's spreading quickly!"

Sebastian's heart sunk and the Chief held onto the back of Sebastian's shirt. He can't lose his daughter. She's all he has. His mom died last week. His daughter's mother died a year ago cause of cancer.

"Hang in, Ryan! —Torres, Wyatt, what's your status?!" The Chief asked through his radio.

"Chief, we're on the 23rd floor."

You looked at the little girl who'd just coughing in your oxygen mask. You know you both won't make it unless you go out the window. You can't wait on them.

"Chief! I'm bailing out. We cannot wait. I'm bailing. Clear the people down below! I repeat, I'm bailing out!" You said into your radio.

"What does that mean?!" Sebastian asked freaking out.

The Chief sighed and said, "it means my best firefighter is gonna get out."

The window broke and Sebastian looked up. You quickly came to the ledge after tying the rope you have to something stable in the room and you got Aria situated— strapped to you.  You then propelled down with the girl crying and clinging to you.

"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle little star. Oh how I wonder what you are," You sang terribly trying to calm her down. "Don't look down. It's very scary."

"I want my daddy," she cried burying her head into the crook of your neck.

"I want my dad too. But your daddy is probably waiting for you on the ground," you said looking down.

She looked down and she screamed.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh," You said stopping cause it's the end of your line. "Look at me. Not down there. It's really scary."

Torres and Wyatt broke the window closest to you. Aria looked at you crying.

"I'm scared too. It's okay," you said.

You gave Aria to Wyatt and he took her. Sebastian fell to his knees relieved and tears streamed down his face. The rope broke and you start falling. People screamed down below but you caught the ledge. Torres quickly pulled you in and you just looked at him with eyes wide open.

"Holy shit," you said getting up.

"You're insane, Ryan," Torres said and you nodded in agreement.

You took Aria from Wyatt and made your way to the stairs. You came out of the building with Aria.

"Daddy!" She called out pointing Sebastian.

You quickly rushed over and Sebastian met you halfway.

"Here ya go," you said quickly as Aria sneezes on you and you give her to her dad.

"Sorry and Thank you," He said not thinking you're the firefighter propelled down with her and Aria clung onto him.

"It's totally fine," you said.

"Ryan, don't fall out of a window!" The Chief yelled.

"I'll try not to next time, sir!" You yelled back.

"They're won't be a next time!" The Chief yelled. "Go get checked out."

Sebastian looked at you wide eyed.

"Go over to that ambulance and Maya will check out your little girl," you said.

"I think he meant you too," Sebastian said.

"Nah, he definitely meant her," you said walking away with a smirk on your face. "Don't worry about me, Bucky. Worry about her."

You got another oxygen tank and went back inside.

(Time skip)

Torres helps you out of the building. You probably have a concussion. A beam actually fell on you. It was a fun experience. He takes you over to the AID car (ambulance).

"What the absolute turds happened?" Maya asked as you sat down on the ledge next to Sebastian as he holds Aria.

"Nothing," You said as she shoves an oxygen mask into your face.

"A beam fell on her head. She went unconscious for a good minute," Torres said.

You slyly flip him off by scratching your cheek.

"Stop it, Supergirl," Torres said heading off.

"It's Superwoman!" You yelled taking off the mask.

"Shhhhhhh," Maya said putting the mask back up to your face.

You looked at Aria and held out your fist. She bumped your fist against yours. Maya started doing the concussion procedure which you were no help at all.

"You probably have a concussion," Maya said.

"Pass," You said.

"You can't pass. It's impossible for you to pass," Maya said.

"But I just did," you said looking at her and Sebastian just chuckled.

"Get in the ambulance. All of you. You too, Stanny," Maya said.

You groaned and climbed in. You got on the gurney and situated yourself. Sebastian sat on the bench with Aria in his lap. Maya's partner got in the driver's seat and Maya got in the back with you closing the back doors.

"You know, this is gonna suck for me," Maya said checking Aria's vitals as she looked at you.

"Why?" You asked.

"Cause I have to take care of you. You live with me," Maya said.

You laughed.

"I feel sorry for you," Sebastian said.

"Thank you," Maya said.

"Hey!" You said and Aria giggled. "I'm a delight!"

Sebastian smirked at you and Maya just shook her head. You crossed your arms over your chest and pouted.

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