Remember - B.B.

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You train everyday. For what? You don't know. You get 2 hours of sleep. You spend those two hours holding your 5 year old as she sleeps. You don't know what year it is. Sometimes you forget. They wipe your memories. Sometimes you forget your own daughter. You forgot that you have— had a husband and had his daughter after he died. You forgot his name, James Buchanan Barnes.

Papers are scattered everywhere on the conference room table as Steve and Bucky try to sift through it all. Sam is on a laptop looking through information but he stops seeing a birth certificate. The two stopped and looked at him.

"Rose Rebecca Barnes, born August 12th, 1946. Mother: Y/n Y/m/n Barnes, Father: James Buchanan Barnes," Sam said.

Bucky's breathing got heavy and he backed up away from the table. He spun around and put his forehead against the wall. He tried calming his breathing but he couldn't. His heart ached. Bucky screamed at the wall and punched it. It startled the two but Steve was at Bucky's side. Bucky just broke down crying and he called out for you. Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky and held him.

(Time skip)

"Mama, we gotta go," Rose said tugging your shirt.

You looked at her and nodded. You both stood at attention in front of the metal door and the door swings open.

"We're leaving," Rose said and you immediately fought the guard.

Rose turned away and you snapped the guards neck. She was quickly at your side holding your shirt as you took out more guards and Hydra agents.

Soon enough, you were surrounded. You shot a window out and picked up Rose. You ran and jumped out the second story window. Rose buried her face into the crook of your neck and muffled her screaming.

(Time skip)

Rose stuck close to you as you walked through the streets of New York and held your hand tightly.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked looking up at you.

You shrugged your shoulders coming to your old apartment that you shared with Bucky. However, it's gonna be torn down. You picked up Rose and went into the building through the back. You looked around and it's all decorated differently. You hated it.

You found the old apartment and started getting teary eyed at the emptiness of it. Rose wrapped her arms around your neck. You clenched your jaw and let the tears roll down your cheeks.

(Time skip.. a week)

You remember Steve and his brunette friend but you can't place his name. You've seen Steve on the TV in the small diner that you and Rose come to.

Hydra came back for you but they didn't get you or Rose. You both are beaten up pretty badly but you managed to get her to the Avengers Compound. You found the medical lab and are trying to stitch up her forehead but your hands are shaking.

"Need help?" Bruce asked walking in.

You turned around expecting a threat but no it's just a guy in glasses wearing a purple button up shirt. You nodded and took a small step back holding Rose's hand. She's a bit nervous but she trusts you.

Bruce comes over wondering how you both got in but he won't worry about it since there's an injured kid.

"I'm Bruce, by the way," Bruce said.

"Y/n," you mumbled not too sure.

Rose just kept quiet and Bruce washed his hands. He texted Steve to come to the lab while your back was turned to him. He came over and started stitching up Rose. Your definitely a lot worse than she is and yet you are still standing.

"Hang on, Bruce needs me," Steve said standing up from his spot in the conference room.

"With what?" Bucky asked.

"Dunno, you can come," Steve said.

Bucky nodded deciding he should probably get up before he once again has a mental breakdown.

Bruce is bandaging up your ribs which took a lot of persuading on his part. Rose has quickly fallen asleep on one of the hospital beds. You're sitting at the edge of the bed in a bra and Rose is behind you. Steve walks in with Bucky and they both stopped dead in their tracks.

"Y/n?" Bucky said.

You looked up at him and you tried your hardest to remember his name but nothing was coming to mind. But you do know the man.

"I- I know you," you said quietly.

Bruce moves to the side and Bucky comes over to you. You don't know why but you looked away from his gaze and bit your bottom lip.

"What happened, Y/n?" Bucky asked softly standing before you not even noticing Rose behind you.

"I- I don't know. There— there was a m-machine," you said starting to cry. "I- I— I can't remember. They t-took away everything."

His heart just sunk for you and he wrapped his arms around you carefully as you sobbed. You cried into his chest and he sees Rose behind you asleep with her arms around herself gripping on the lose fabric of her jacket as if it's all she's got to hold onto. You are holding onto Bucky like you might lose him. You just wanna remember him and whatever you to were.

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