Stranger - S.S.

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It's been two years since you and a stranger talked for hours about your dreams and hopes and desires... and space. You never got a name from him and you never gave yours. You've always thought about him and he does the same with you.

You walked out onto the Disney Press carpet for Comic-Con and everyone is calling you to come over to them.

"Oh shit, it's Y/n Y/l/n," Tom Holland said looking over to where you ended up.

"Tom, you have no chance," Anthony Mackie said.

"Yeah, just stop," Sebastian Stan added not being able to see you.

"My main man, Sebastian has a better chance than you, Tommy," Mackie said placing a hand on Sebastian's shoulder.

"Are you saying that Sebastian is single?" The reporter asked.

"Yes he is ladies!" Mackie said rolling up a magazine that he has in his hands.

"Hi, I'm Tom Holland," Tom said to you and he holds out his hand.

Mackie jumps in quickly and whaps Tom's hand away with the rolled up magazine.

"No, no, no, no, spider boy. Stay back!" Mackie yelled. "Back!"

You quickly moved away.

"Hey, I know you," Sebastian said.

"Oh shit," you said and he hugged you which you happily returned the gesture. "Hey, Stranger."

"Ha! No chance!" Mackie said in Holland's face.

Sebastian brings you over and you stand in between him and Mackie. Sebastian has his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you have one around his waist.

"So, is there a date in the near future?" The reporter asked.

"It depends on if he's a salad guy or a steak guy on first dates," you said.

"Steak," Sebastian said.

"Ooof, then you're paying," you said looking up at him. "I can't afford you."

He chuckled and Mackie said, "I'll make you guys PB&Js and you guys can have a picnic in the park right by the playground."

"Bring my juice!" Tom said.

"I gotta go," you said.

"You messed this up, Tommy!" Mackie yelled as you and Sebastian quickly traded numbers.

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