Single Father - B.B.

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A six year old girl ran into the training laughing as you kicked the head off a dummy. She stopped dead in her tracks seeing the head rolling to a stop.

"Teach me! Teach me! Teach me how to do that!" She said jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, you're just a child," you said startled and you looked at her.

She smiles widely at you.

"Ummm... uh... where's your mom?" You asked.

"She's dead," the kid said.

You just knew you fucked up already. You don't even know what to say. You don't know how to handle this situation cause you were never taught how to. You just know whatever you say or do is gonna make everything worse.

"Same," You said.

And everything went out the window at that moment. You stood up all tense and she just looked at you. You looked everywhere but her hoping that she might run off or something.

"You're weird," she said.

"Kendra! Your dad is trying to find you, munchkin, he made you lunch," Natasha said walking in in her workout outfit.

"But she was gonna teach me how to kick the head off," Kendra whined pointing at you as you stood there really uncomfortable.

"Later, Go eat," Natasha said.

Kendra whined but ran off. Natasha bursted out laughing at your state.

"Why is there a child here?!" You asked freaking out.

"She's Bucky's kid," Natasha said.

"I don't know who that is!" You said.

"He's the Winter Soldier," Natasha said.

"Oh my god! Then she's tiny little assassin! She's gonna murder me in my sleep!" You said.

Natasha just kept laughing.

"She won't kill you, Hunter, she's really sweet. She remembers birthdays better than her father. She'll make you a birthday card," Natasha said.

"I don't understand children," you mumbled.

"Did you ever get to be a kid?" Natasha asked coming closer to you.

"No. I was always around adults and they made me into an assassin," You said.

"That's probably why you are so scared of kids," Natasha said.

"Oh fun," you said sarcastically. "Can we just spar?"

(Time skip)

"Auntie Nat, Why is that girl in the training room so weird?" Kendra asked as she colored in her coloring book at the table.

"She never had a childhood and she doesn't know how to interact around kids," Natasha said.

"Jesus, Nat, that's just sad," Bucky said coloring outside of the lines.

"She's also pretty awkward," Natasha said sipping her tea.

"Who is she?" Bucky asked.

"Her name is Hunter. She was working on her own until the Director moved her onto our team while you and Kendra went away for summer break," Natasha explained.

"Hunter?" Bucky said shocked at the name.

"Hey, it's better than Bucky," Natasha said.

Kendra started giggling and pointing at Bucky.

(Time skip)

"Bitch, you and me are roasting fucking marshmallows— are you building a lego set?" Wanda asked bursting into your room and you are sitting at your desk which is by the door.

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