Baby Drama (4) - S.S.

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"Doc, do you think they're broken?" She asked holding up Sebastian's hand.

"Definitely," Dr. Rachel said chuckling.


You have both of your babies on your chest all swaddled up and clean. The boy is 6.8lbs and the girl is a bit smaller, 6lbs.

"Let's get you an X-ray on those fingers, Mr. Stan," a nurse said.

Sebastian looked at you.

"We'll still be here, Seba," you said. "Sorry about the hand."

He smiled and kissed you.

"It's fine, baby," he said and kissed each kid's head. "I'll be back."

The nurse led him out and the two of them walked past the waiting room with Scarlett, Chris, and Mackie.

"Yo! Where's the kid?!" Mackie asked. "And where are you going?"

"I'm getting an X-ray," Sebastian said holding up his left hand.

"You must've been a dumbass and fell," Chris said.

"He's walked into a fridge before," Scarlett said.

"And many glass doors," Anthony said.

"And windows," Chris said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and followed the nurse.

(Time skip)

Sebastian led the troops into the room and they gasped seeing you holding two babies. He gave them a debriefing on to not post anything until he's posted the twins.

"Did you steal someone else's child?" Mackie asked.

"No, her brother was hiding her," You said as Sebastian came to you.

You let him take his little girl for the first time and he's astonished. He sat down at the foot of the bed watching her breath. His two fingers are tapped together and are in a splint. You watched him have this wonderful moment and the three start taking pictures of the moment.

Scarlett comes over to you and looks at the kid in your arms. She moves the small beanie and is shocked at how much hair he's got.

"That kid has a lot of hair," Scarlett said as the boys come over.

"It's genetic and unattainable," Sebastian said and everyone chuckled.

"They look exactly like Sebastian," Anthony said.

"Can I hold one?" Chris asked holding out his arms.

"Nope," Sebastian said shaking his head and looking at his daughter.

"Sure," You said.

Chris carefully took your son into his arms and he grinned widely.

"Sebastian, stand by Chris. The fans will love the Stucky vibes," Scarlett said pulling out her phone.

Sebastian and Chris stood side by side. They both smiled for the camera. Scarlett got a few pictures and you're already reaching out for one of the kids. Sebastian gave up the girl for you and Chris passed the baby onto Anthony.

"Have you named them yet?" Scarlett asked.

"She's Remington and we haven't figured out a middle name yet," Sebastian said.

"He's Jackson," You said cradling your daughter.

"Adorable," Scarlett said.

Everyone took turns holding each baby for 20 minutes until they decided to go to bed since it's 11pm. You have Jackson again and you moved over in the bed. Sebastian climbed in laying besides you holding Remington after he turned off the lights.

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