Wrong Number - S.S.

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Imagine: you're a famous actress. Sebastian Stan tried texting a girl who gave him her number turns out it's a fake and he ended up texting you. You guys don't block each other and it turns into a 8 month friendship with flirting over text messages. Now, you both are on The Late Late Show with James Cordon. You've never met each other in person but you both are big fans of one another.

(Luka De Rossi is the name being used)

"Our next guest is the beloved LUKA DE ROSSI!!" James announced and the curtain opened at the top of the stairs.

You blew a kiss out to the audience and started walking down the stairs. You spot Sebastian Stan on the stage clapping for you with the others. You smiled and high fives a couple of the audience members. You got to the stage and shook hands with the fellow couch members. You hugged James and you all sat down. You're seated on the end next to Zach Woods, Sebastian is on his other side and Sharon Stone is next to Sebastian.

"The couch is kinda crowded," You said.

"Yes, it is. Umm, how you been Luka? Anybody special out there?" Cordon asked.

"I'm okay. I'm really jet lagged. Uh I've been texting this dude for like 8 months or something," You said.

"Have you met him yet?" Zach asked.

"Pfft, stranger danger," You said getting a laugh from the audience.

"Woah, if you never met him then how the hell did you get this guy's number?" Sebastian asked.

"Okay, so one afternoon in the middle of the summer  in London while I'm doing actress things, I get this text from this guy saying 'good morning' and I replied 'morning' even though at the time it wasn't morning for me at all but I just wanted to see where it goes," you said. "Also, turns out that the dude was with a girl the night before and she gave him a fake number which turned out to be my number."

The audience laughed.

"I know what that's like," Zach said.

"So do I," Sebastian said.

"You poor baby," Sharon said pinching Sebastian's cheeks.

He blushed a bright crimson color.

"Oh look at that, he's blushing," you said looking over at him. "It's like we're third wheels on this adventure."

Zach started laughing and so did Cordon.

"Ooooooo, he's turning redder," you said reaching over and poking his cheek.

Sebastian looks down at hands in embarrassment.

"The wild Sebastian Stan doesn't know what to do in this situation except avoid all eye contact. Some might say 'it's adorable' and others might say 'he should grow a pair.' Find out tomorrow on Twitter how things have gone," you said in a Australian accent.

The audience is dying laughing and so is Cordon. He's holding onto his his chairs armrests tightly.

"Oh my god, are- are you still texting this dude?" Cordon asked.

"Yeah, we've also talked a couple times over the phone," you said.

"Call him!" Cordon said and you pulled out your phone.

"I wanna see how this goes," Sharon said looking over at you and you pulled up the guy's contact.

You pressed call and put your phone to your ear. A older woman audience member waved at you which distracted you and you waved back. Sebastian's phone started buzzing and Cordon knew immediately. Cordon motioned him to answer it.

"Hey," Sebastian said into his phone looking at you.

Your eyes widened and you got off the couch without looking at him. You walked into the audience and found the lady. You sat yourself in her lap facing to the left of her. You covered your face with your right hand and put your head onto her shoulder. There's laughter throughout the audience.

Sebastian looks at you and you just are looking at the person behind the lady's lap you're sitting in.

"LUKA!" James yelled. "LUKA! PICK UP THE PHONE!"

"What should I do?" You asked the lady.

"Pick up the phone, dear," she said.

You put your phone in your right hand and pressed it to your ear.

"Hi," you said quietly into the phone.

"Hey," Sebastian said.

"Hi," you said again.

"You should come down," Sebastian said in calming tone.

"N-Nope," you said shaking your head no.

"Come on, it'll be fine," Sebastian said standing up still looking at you.

"Pass," You said getting off the old lady's lap and you climbed up the stairs.

"LUKA!" James yelled.

Sebastian hung up and made his way out to the audience. You looked at him frozen as he came to you.

"Hi," he said standing a stair below yours.

"Hi, wrong number," you said.

"What would you name a poodle if you got one?" Sebastian asked you quietly.

"Janice," You said.

"And she would be this posh thing and she's a-," he whispered.

"A bitch," you whispered smiling.

You both hugged each other.

"Stop flirting with Sharon, you got no chance," you whispered into his ear.

"Do I have a better chance with you?" he whispered.

"Yeah," you said and that made him smile.

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