Stood Up (2) - S.S.

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You got to your cubicle and you sat down in your swivel chair seeing a vase of roses with a note card on your desk.

"Y/n, you fucking hoe! Why didn't you tell me you were dating Sebastian Stan?!" Abby, the friend who tried setting you up on Valentines Day, asked and showed you the TMZ article on you and Sebastian.

"Bitch, we both got stood up on Valentines Day and I saved him from some embarrassment and I didn't know he was famous," you said.

"He's Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier," Abby said.

"Oh— OH!" You said leaning back in your chair.

"Did he send you those flowers?" Abby asked pointing to the ones behind you.

You spun around and grabbed the card. You quickly read it with Abby peering over.

You should take me ice skating again.
My friends are laughing at me that I did and failed miserably. Anyways, I had an enjoyable time with you and I hope to see you soon.
~ Sebastian

"Yes it is," you said holding the card close so she won't see it and you spun around to face her.

"Wow," she said.

"Excuse me, I've work to do," you said sitting straight up.

She rolled her eyes and left. You immediately pulled out your phone and texted Sebastian.

Sebastian quickly hopped over his couch hearing his phone buzz. Chris just looks at him like he's insane and Sebastian grabbed his phone.

Thanks for the flowers 😘

"Oh thank fucking god!" Sebastian yelled relieved.

"Is it the chick who you made out with at the ice rink?" Chris asked scrolling through the TMZ article. "And fell on top of?"

"I didn't tell you that part," Sebastian said.

"Well, Buddy, you're all over TMZ and other social media sites with Y/n Y/l/n," Chris said showing Sebastian his phone. "She's very beautiful."

"God fucking damnit!" Sebastian growled.

He immediately texted you.

No problem 🥰
When do you get off work?



Yeah, I gotta pack for going to LA
It's gonna be LA Kings V. NY Rangers
But I don't leave until 10pm

Any chance you wanna come over
before you have to leave?

I think I can fit you into my schedule

That'll be great Miss Y/l/n

Uggggh nasty
Why you gotta go with the Miss crap?
It's disgusting! I'm not even that old

23, right?

Duh I'm surprised you remembered
old man

Excuse me?!
I'm only 32!

Says the guy talking with a 23 year old

You're being ageist

I'll see ya around 1 or 2ish

Remember where my apartment is?

Yeah totally
Pfft, How could one forget that?
It's not like we had a sugar high
and then crashed hard watching
super cheesy romantic comedies

Sebastian then texts you the address and you responded with a 'thank fucking god.'

(Time skip)

You knocked on Sebastian's door and you ended up getting there at 12:45. His place is a few blocks away from yours luckily. He opened the door and grinned widely.

"Sorry, I'm early," you said.

"Come in," Sebastian said opening the door more for you. "And it's totally fine."

You walked in.

Sebastian asked, "Can I—?"

"Miss Y/n Y/l/n!" Mackie said coming down the stairs with Chris behind him.

"Hi," you said and Sebastian is just mythed at the two.

They both come over to you.

"I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart," Mackie said taking your right hand into both hands.

"For what?" You asked and looked at Sebastian.

"For letting him fall on the ice. It was hilarious to see," Mackie said.

You put your other hand over one of his and said, "it was all him."

The two bursted out laughing and you just grinned at Sebastian. Sebastian takes your hands out of Mackie's and takes you over to the kitchen.

"What's up?" You asked looking up at him.

"I wanna apologize about the whole paparazzi fiasco. I should've—," Sebastian said.

"Shhhhhhhhh, there's nothing you could've done and don't apologize for it," you said interrupting him and Chris and Anthony just watched. "Plus it probably would've happen sooner or later since I guess you're famous... which I didn't even realize."

"You didn't?" Sebastian asked and you looked away.

"Maybe," You said and he chuckled wrapping his arms around you.

To be continued?

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