Birthday Girl - B.B.

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Imagine: You aren't one to celebrate your birthday. It brings back bad childhood memories of your little brother dying on that day. Therefore, you don't mention when your birthday is. You're an Avenger and your boyfriend of two years is Bucky.


You're seated in Bucky's lap as the Avengers are hanging around on the couches and playing a game of truth or dare.

"Truth or dare, Clint?" Tony asked.

"Dare," Clint said with a smirk on his face.

"I dare you to climb into that vent," Tony said pointing up.

"Easy," Clint said hopping up and grabbing the grate.

The weight of him brings the grate down. He got on Thor's shoulders and climbed into the vent. The room fills with light laughter.

"Truth or dare, Natasha," Clint said looking below at everyone.

"Dare," Natasha of course said.

"I dare you to make out with Y/n for 30 seconds," Clint said with a grin on his face.

You and Natasha groaned loudly.

"You cool with this?" You asked looking at Bucky.

"As long as you don't plan on leaving me after," Bucky said.

You nodded and got off his lap. You meet Natasha halfway and you cupped her face.

"They're some horny ass men," you said.

You pressed your lips against hers and all the boys were shocked. Steve blushed and Bucky just smirked at your boldness.

Natasha was first to pull away and said, "damn, you're a great kisser."

"Thank you," was all you said.

"Baby, come here," Bucky said reaching his hands out for you.

You go back over and sit in his lap while Natasha went over to her boyfriend, Bruce. Bucky wrapped his arms around you and kept you close. You placed your head against his shoulder and awaited for the next victim of truth or dare.

"Hmmmm, Wanda, truth or dare?" Natasha asked.

"Truth," Wanda said.

"Are you and Vision together?" Nat asked smirking.

Wanda started blushing and you said, "you gotta tell the truth, Wanda."

"Fine, we are," Wanda said taking Vision's hand.

"KNEW IT!" You squealed.

"Oh well, Y/n, truth or dare?" Wanda asked.

"Truth," You said without a second thought.

"When's your birthday?" Wanda asked.

"Oh come on! That's easy! We all know it!" Clint said still in the vents.

Bucky started thinking and trying to remember what you guys did for your last two birthdays. He couldn't remember and started feeling bad that he can't remember it.

"Umm, I don't remember ever even having a party for Y/n and we've known her for five years," Tony said.

"It's March 10th!" Clint said and you shook your head no.

"That's when my birthday is and thank you for remembering," Bucky said.

"November 22nd," Clint said.

"That's mine, dumbass," Nat said.

"July 4th," Thor said.

"Uh, that's when my birthday is," Steve said.

"Oh, I thought we were listing off birthdays," Thor said.

"December 18th," Tony said.

"Mine," Bruce said.

"May 29th," Tony said smirking.

"That's your own," you said shaking your head.

"September 6th is mine," Sam said.

"Doll, I can't remember yours," Bucky whispered as everyone started arguing the date of your birthday. "Did we celebrate it?"

You shook your head no and Bucky frowned.

"I don't like my birthday," you whispered softly into his ear.

"You'll tell me why later, right?" He asked you quietly.

"Yeah," You said not really wanting to.

He let you snuggle into him as you two sit there quietly waiting for the others.

"FRIDAY! WHEN IS Y/N's BIRTHDAY?!" Tony yelled and he started taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Tomorrow, sir."

Everyone was left shocked except you. Tony spit out his liquor and you got out of Bucky's lap.

"I'm going to bed," you said to the group and left.

"Did you know, Bucky?" Steve asked.

"Nope, but I'll go see what's wrong," Bucky said getting up.

Bucky went into your guys shared room to find you curled up in the fluffy blankets. He closed the door and locked it. He then goes over and climbed in next to you. Your back is to him and he wrapped his arms around you.

"My little brother died that day," You sniffled.

"Aww, I didn't know that. I'm so sorry, Doll," Bucky whispered.

"I remember wearing the stupid party hat and then my mom dragging me to the ER. She made me sit in those stupid blue chairs and she went off to find my dad. We were supposed to go to a Flyers game. I sat there for hours and- and nobody told me anything," you said slowly starting to break down crying. "I saw my dad cry that day."

Bucky held you tighter and kissed the back of your head.

"After that, it was just a unspoken rule that we would never celebrate my birthday," you said and moving around to face him. "I asked about it once and got yelled at."

"Well, Doll, I think it should be a celebration of your life and even your brother's. Not a day to mourn. A day to celebrate. We can do whatever you want, Birthday Girl," Bucky said wiping away your tears with the sleeve of his sweater.

"Can we go to a Flyers game?" You asked.

"If they're playing then definitely," Bucky said.

You smiled and kissed him.

"Hmmm, I didn't know Natasha wears cherry chapstick," Bucky said softly onto your lips.

The two of you started chuckling.

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